Modelling the Northern half of the Isle of Man

We are in a transitional stage between craft knife/cutting mat, and 3D printer/laser cutter. As these technologies bed in and those who practise the more traditional skills, erm, 'move on', then scratch building may encompass the new -there are signs in the range of opinion here that this is already happening. For some, scratch building will always mean making by hand entirely from scratch (with the wheel/motor conundrum rumbling on...), while others will be relaxed about using newer technologies. As I have posted elsewhere, it has taken me several years to describe my self-produced laser cut 'kits' (for my own use, not commercially) as scratchbuilt. I leave it to others to decide what they are: I'm just happy running trains of stock that is either not commercially available, or which I have chosen to make myself.
I offered to run off a set of laser parts for an IOM saloon for someone who had asked if I had any drawings; they declined the offer, just wanted the drawings and subsequently made a beautiful job of creating one from styrene. Hats off to them: I'm not sure I would have the skills or the patience.
To sum up: the best time to ask this question will probably be in ten/twenty/fifty years' time: we'll have a much better perspective on it by then!
I offered to run off a set of laser parts for an IOM saloon for someone who had asked if I had any drawings; they declined the offer, just wanted the drawings and subsequently made a beautiful job of creating one from styrene. Hats off to them: I'm not sure I would have the skills or the patience.
To sum up: the best time to ask this question will probably be in ten/twenty/fifty years' time: we'll have a much better perspective on it by then!