55022 Decoder Lighting

If things work as expected, you will not need to take it apart.. If you made a wiring error, then you will.

You have already set the lighting voltage divider, so should be fine with your 5V bulbs..

Yes I have done the wiring error as 6shown in post 3 and amplified by Phil in post 10. So pull it apart will be the only option to resolve the beastie. Probably later in the week when the weather not so good.
Bit of a lag on this one sorry, my last day in Somerset had me pull the loco apart and get the re-wire done. Lo and behold lights work! Back one not working but that could be a bulb and running oh so lumpy, diagnosed to be a split gear shaft on the front Axle. Likely too many feats of strength attempts. He has been warned not to expect too much from small LGB 4 wheeled locomotives. Many thanks for all your help, also on the day I managed to get the RHB Tractor that had burnt out an onboard Chip that I replaced with one I had kicking about. Ran OK on DCC but not on Analogue, Mike not yet ready to go full DCC as there are more locs to do but I think sufficient chips after I contributed a few to get the job done on my next visit on wet days as there is always much to do outside.