Bit of a lag on this one sorry, my last day in Somerset had me pull the loco apart and get the re-wire done. Lo and behold lights work! Back one not working but that could be a bulb and running oh so lumpy, diagnosed to be a split gear shaft on the front Axle. Likely too many feats of strength attempts. He has been warned not to expect too much from small LGB 4 wheeled locomotives. Many thanks for all your help, also on the day I managed to get the RHB Tractor that had burnt out an onboard Chip that I replaced with one I had kicking about. Ran OK on DCC but not on Analogue, Mike not yet ready to go full DCC as there are more locs to do but I think sufficient chips after I contributed a few to get the job done on my next visit on wet days as there is always much to do outside.