No trains have passed through this tunnel for quite a few years. I must get around to clearing the tunnel and reopen the line.View attachment 212517
A flame thrower? No, what you need is the latest version of the eco-friendly defoliating device
What is even more interesting is that the device, upon completion of its task, can be eaten.
View attachment 212522
Mick, it leads to another granite stone siding up in the hills.A mystery tunnel! Where does it lead to?
Dan, part of the embankment is covered in the stuff. I will need to make a determined effort to clear the old route.Ah, the dreaded English Ivy. Great ground cover, when it stays there and an architect's friend when he makes a mistake.....
Dan, part of the embankment is covered in the stuff. I will need to make a determined effort to clear the old route.
I have plenty in the shed Dan. I may make a start next week.Get plenty of A.O. er, ah Round-up, Casey.
Will do Mick.I like the idea of a disused line reopening! Keep us all posted Casey.
The other side of the tunnel. There is track here somewhere. I've sprayed the area with Roundup, I will give it a few days to take effect before I start clearing.View attachment 212650 View attachment 212649 View attachment 212648 View attachment 212647 View attachment 212646 View attachment 212645
Maybe Henri could lend you his rabbits