
I have used both with no discrimination. Of course the Backman. Ones are not spoked, but that is not a problem on most prototype models.
I'm fairly certain the Lilliput ones have also been sold under the Bachmann UK brand.
I have used both with no discrimination. Of course the Backman. Ones are not spoked, but that is not a problem on most prototype models.
It's just an observation that myself and many others have noticed.Gizzy, you have me befuddled. Where does the dirty pick-up on the plastic wheel thread come from, when the metal wheels keep the rails so clean?
Pretty sure Bachmann are cast pot metal... AML has sintered steel, last run of Aristo locos were sintered.
Check your bachmann wheels, I'll bet they are not magnetic, i.e. sintered. We call pot metal a low grade metal with mostly zinc... but it can have a mixture of metals. It does not normally contain steel because the cheapness of pot metal depends on inexpensive metals and casting, i.e. low temperature, which steel is not..
USAT are brass as Dan states.
I’ve bought Slaters wheels from GRS. They seem fine in operation but the LGB ones look better.
Worst wheels I ever got came from the a vendor at G Rail in Stafford - came in LGB bags but made an egg look circular. Only found out when I got them home and vendor refused to reimburse or replace; apparently I must Have damaged them after he sold them to me.
In the Ruschbahn days Andy dabbled with a few sets of GRS ones but we found that they were not as consistant runners as Bachmann or LGB. If memory serves they had a slightly finer flange that caused quite a few derailments on LGB and Aristo points.So, the reason GRS have boxes full of metal wheels, no-one uses them?
And, no-one will admit to buying metal wheels from ECR?