A wider range of W&L passenger stock required ?

I had been trying for the longest time trying to find an LGB Zillertal coach, with great lack of success. I DID find one in USA, but it was on E***, and they wanted $75 shipping. So I have to build the correct scale version from Lineside Hut? Sure, using LGB spoked wheels and their spiffy 'articulated axle' system that allows their stuff to go around near right-angle bends. I've handled it at the show, and it looks really pretty - it will be even better when I've finished it off with tables, mirrors and posters. And correct hook-ups, too.

I might even write it up for a magazine or one or other of the association/societies, unless, of course, one of you beats me to it......
The height of my LGB U class and my Pearse Earl are not far off, the LGB is narrower in overall width. I do believer later models of the LGB U class has a different cab profile and height. Mine is a very early model with the clamshell gear box. In the garden, the scale is close enough for me to mix 16mm W&L stuff and LGB stuff to get the mix used in modern day preservation. Once I get my Accucraft Pickering coaches, I will have my friend bring his LGB Green "Zell em See" bogie coaches over and get pics of them. I used to have a pair of the Zillertal brown coaches. I will check the G scale shop in Zionsville to see if they have anymore of them. Mike
45mm gauge track scales out to 2'9" so 3 inches two wide for the W&L strictly speaking, but we are splitting hairs here now aren't we? So yes, running 16mm gauge W&L on 45mm gauge track is much closer to prototype than 32mm gauge track. Here is a pic of my green LGB U class, my Pearse switcher and Pearse Earl to get a feel for sizes. Mike the Aspie



And finally, my venerable old Pearse Earl on the head of two Accucraft Pickering brake coaches(still need the Saloon coach!)
It has been on here over the last three months. The Company is called The Lineside Hut, and it costs around £110 plus wheely bits.
45mm gauge only equals 2ft 9in if you are modelling in 16mm to the foot. To me it's also US 3ft gauge, since I also run trains in 1:20.3 scale, AND 1:22.5, in which it is meter gauge, AND 1:32, in which it is 4ft 8.5in.

And if you are a 1/24th scale SAR fan, then it's 3ft 6in, and if 7/8th scale is you thing, then it's 2 ft.

No doubt there are others..........
Very nice kits they are too. I bought 2. Now we just need the MAV's and the Sierra Leone stock. Probably ones for the likes of Swift Sixteen to do in resin.....but is there the market to justify their development and creation of the moulds (approx life around 50 units). Time will tell. Max