Accucraft live steam 7/8ths Quarry Hunslet

I'd love the new Hunslet but it's just the scale that's the problem.
Here here...:)
Ferrysteam said:
I'd love the new Hunslet but it's just the scale that's the problem.
It takes a bit of getting used to the idea of another scale Allan, and a very understandable first reaction might be that it's 'not for me'.

I think everyone loves the quarry Hunslets, and who wouldn't want to own one? So, we simply have to think about this scale thing. The overall dimensions should fit the clearances on a lot of G scale railways, so you have to get to a mindset of putting away your other trains for an hour and getting out your 7/8ths stock. As long as you aren't one for wanting to park it in an existing highly detailed diorama it will look 'right' pottering around the garden. The real joy is it opens up the hobby to expect other exquisite small engines that might otherwise be too small to be reliable 'easy' performers if built to 16mm or G scale.

I can't wait, and it would seem there are plenty other people out there who are also licking their lips in anticipation.

Happy steamings,

Sea Lion said:
Ferrysteam said:
I'd love the new Hunslet but it's just the scale that's the problem.
It takes a bit of getting used to the idea of another scale Allan, and a very understandable first reaction might be that it's 'not for me'.

I think everyone loves the quarry Hunslets, and who wouldn't want to own one? So, we simply have to think about this scale thing. The overall dimensions should fit the clearances on a lot of G scale railways, so you have to get to a mindset of putting away your other trains for an hour and getting out your 7/8ths stock. As long as you aren't one for wanting to park it in an existing highly detailed diorama it will look 'right' pottering around the garden. The real joy is it opens up the hobby to expect other exquisite small engines that might otherwise be too small to be reliable 'easy' performers if built to 16mm or G scale.

I can't wait, and it would seem there are plenty other people out there who are also licking their lips in anticipation.

Happy steamings,


I'm one of them waiting in anticipation (have been since rumours started last year!)..... will look very good with a string of slate wagons etc...
My line isn't Welsh based but we are making an exception for this one!!


It does look very tempting. I also really like the look of the new GWR gauge 1 locos that Accucraft UK are planning :)
The trouble with me is I want all the new Accucraft locos......Got to win the lottery somehow...
I applaud Accucraft for this development, but I'm wondering about the, presumably gas, firing equipment.
IMHO it is acceptable in the closed cab of most of the commercial gas fired models on offer but may spoil the look of this open cabbed relatively large scale model.
Neil Robinson said:
I applaud Accucraft for this development, but I'm wondering about the, presumably gas, firing equipment.
IMHO it is acceptable in the closed cab of most of the commercial gas fired models on offer but may spoil the look of this open cabbed relatively large scale model.
I understand Accucraft are considering a false boiler backhead to cover a lot of the gas firing gubbins. They are very conscious of the need to make the inside of the open cab look as realistic as possible.

On the subject of coupling heights, there doesn't seem to be a set standard height for the scale but from looking at the 7/8ths forums it appears many people work at 30mm from rail height. Similarly there does not seem to be any consensus on wheel profile.

I suggest if anyone has an opinion on 'standards' now would be a good time to have a good discussion, Accucraft are very open to the concept of doing what the majority want, but obviously this sort of thing needs to be settled as soon as possible in the design process.

Happy steamings,

Humm, its been an issue for a while the coupling height.... I must admit I work to 30mm above rail top. As for wheels most run Sierra Valley Engineering 7/8ths wheels... would guess therefore this would be the "standard" that most would say. I run stock on code 250 rail on the micro and have no issues with this. Not sure if they are OK with Peco 200? need to find out.....

Glad they are looking at ways to hide the "gubbins" in the cab...

Have you asked on the SE Lounge John? Would you like me to copy your post and ask?


Sea Lion said:
I understand Accucraft are considering a false boiler backhead to cover a lot of the gas firing gubbins.
Excellent news :bigsmile:.

Sea Lion said:
there doesn't seem to be a set standard height for the scale but from looking at the 7/8ths forums it appears many people work at 30mm from rail height. . . . . Similarly there does not seem to be any consensus on wheel profile. . . . . I suggest if anyone has an opinion on 'standards' now would be a good time to have a good discussion
Sounds like setting a standard with the 7/8ths forum might be an idea, As that froum seems to include some of the leading UK 7/8ths producers too it would seem a good place to agree it. As long as it's a UK standard then it's going to benefit any future models too.
StephH said:
Have you asked on the SE Lounge John? Would you like me to copy your post and ask?
It'd be great if a few people discussed this on various forums and came up with some sort of consensus, by all means please copy the SE lounge in on the discussion Steph, that will be a good help.

Happy steamings,

i like the idea of 7/8ths,, it looks right on 45mm track and i like the size of it

i think it will be a very popular scale as a lot of people who have 1 20,3 us stock
may fancy a bit of uk narrow gauge as a change,,, and you dont have to have massive
trains, just an engine and a few trucks,,, and it may well tempt a few into live steam

i am very interested in buying one, but i would preffer 7/8 lynton and barnstable
but were a long way from that
daveyb said:
i like the idea of 7/8ths,, it looks right on 45mm track and i like the size of it

i think it will be a very popular scale as a lot of people who have 1 20,3 us stock
may fancy a bit of uk narrow gauge as a change,,, and you dont have to have massive
trains, just an engine and a few trucks,,, and it may well tempt a few into live steam

i am very interested in buying one, but i would preffer 7/8 lynton and barnstable
but were a long way from that
Very true about the size etc..... a 7/8ths L&B Manning Wardle would be a MASSIVE beast.... and could you imagine a double Fairlie:D:D

If you want a Hunslet I'd get your order in, they are being reserved like hot cakes I'm told;) I've had a reservation in for a red one for a while!

This probably would really give the 7/8 scale a big boost as it would appeal to many British narrow gauge modellers much more than most of the currently available 16mm scale locos. It would also attract new people to garden rail if they can make some wagons to run with it since it will run on readily available G scale track. It is a very tempting proposition!
funandtrains said:
This probably would really give the 7/8 scale a big boost as it would appeal to many British narrow gauge modellers much more than most of the currently available 16mm scale locos. It would also attract new people to garden rail if they can make some wagons to run with it since it will run on readily available G scale track. It is a very tempting proposition!

I suspect that they will not need to scratch build the wagons either......just be able to use glue;).......

what about a 7/8 ng16 garrett,,,, anyone own a crane,,,
it will be interesting to compare the sizes to everything else,,,
probably comparable to gauge 3,,,,,
although tempted,,, a k36 or37 is top of my list but as theres not many
sh around i may go for a hunslet,,,,