Accucraft live steam 7/8ths Quarry Hunslet

I certainly will have to start saving the pennies for one, is there any confirmation as to when they are due?
RSB said:
I certainly will have to start saving the pennies for one, is there any confirmation as to when they are due?
As fast as humanly possible is the current timescale ;-) seriously though, not before late 2012, still lots of work to do, then an engineering sample, then a pre-production sample, and then they have to be manufactured.

Happy drooling,

Any chance of getting them factury lined out in the correct quarry liveries? The cost of paying it to be done in this country is too high.
funandtrains said:
Any chance of getting them factury lined out in the correct quarry liveries? The cost of paying it to be done in this country is too high.
Just out of curiosity, what would you consider to be a fair price for lining one of these in the Dinorwic livery (maroon with a single red line) and Penrhyn livery (black with blue and red lines)?
funandtrains said:
Any chance of getting them factury lined out in the correct quarry liveries? The cost of paying it to be done in this country is too high.
A good question, but for this project the answer is no, because:

Firstly whatever lining style was chosen would then be wrong for lots of other scenarios where a quarry Hunslet might be used, there were at least two lining styles at Penrhyn alone before you even start looking at other locations.

Secondly price, this loco is a highly desirable absolute bargain and thus really helps take the 7/8ths hobby up gear. You could go on for ever loading more cost onto it but this would add hobby entry barriers for some people on a tight budget.

Happy steamings,

Rhos Helyg Loco Works said:
funandtrains said:
Any chance of getting them factury lined out in the correct quarry liveries? The cost of paying it to be done in this country is too high.
Just out of curiosity, what would you consider to be a fair price for lining one of these in the Dinorwic livery (maroon with a single red line) and Penrhyn livery (black with blue and red lines)?

If the Chinese were paid to do it shouldn't add more £60 to each loco as the workers will not be paid more than this per week (probably much less) and if some of it is screen printed it shouldn't take anywhere near the time of hand lining. From the same region of China as these locos are made you can buy a handed painted copy of an old master painting for £60 which takes a week to do. The raw matterials are the expensive parts in China, the labour although it has increased is still very low and China has many very skilled decrative arts painters who could easily do an excellent job with little training. If the Chinese Accucraft factory are not interested in it there would be another Chinese company which would do it very cheaply. John's agrument about it adding significantly to cost shouldn't be correct and it just means that Accucraft UK are not very good at negotiating price.
I appreciate the amount of time that goes into doing a good lining job and know why the UK people have to charge so much for one done by hand I just can't afford to add 20% or more to the cost of an already expensive model.

I do think that not having a fully finished model will deter those from outside the 16mm community who expect to buy a model finished with lining, plates etc. Accucraft should look at Aster where half the models sold only stay in display cabinets although nobody wnats them to charge Aster prices! US Accucraft sell unlined / lettered versions of some of their scale 1:20.3 scale locos but they seem to sell more of the fully finished versions. At 7/8th scale where you will see so much more detail just plain red or black will look very bland and not do them full justice.
If they did them in three different lined liveries someone would be complaining that they didn't come undecorated...
brianthesnail96 said:
If they did them in three different lined liveries someone would be complaining that they didn't come undecorated...

The point is that they should come lined as well as undecorated.

These locos are so well know and loved around the world I can see them wanted my many narrow fans not just garden rail people if they were presentation ready and this group wouldn't want to spend quite a lot of money on extra work on a new item that might need to be returned if faulty. Accucraft UK may be very helpful but I many may be shipped around the world to places where it is hard to fine someone to finish them or extra postage will make them too expensive.
Like John says though, what lining styles do you use anyway... at least one at Dinorwic carried at least 3 colour types and lining on a cursory study of my small book on the quarry. I personally will be getting mine lined out by someone. That means I can adjust the livery as I want it. As I'm on a budget I would not want to pay much more for the loco, but I can save again then and get it lined etc as and when. I'll be probably going for one of the more obscure lining types.... as I don't run a slate quarry line I will want mine to be a little different.
I know several 7/8ths'ers will be completely changing theirs, one's first job will be to re paint it as a ultra weathered example and probably re-do all the piping (that will depend on how Accucraft work it all out of cause) 'cause that's what he does on his loco's!

The thing about this is its a very good price as it stands as a first venture into the scale and something that will make 7/8ths a more widely used scale hopefully.


In any other scale it would be deemed as madness to offer an incomplete model as standard where you have to complete the paint work yourself. If some buyers want a cheaper version to bash or paint in an obscure livery it would make more sense to just offer in primer or an unpainted kit. If the intention is to gain a wide market at least one completed livery from each of the big quarries would make sense even if they cost more. I know several people who would probably would pay the price to get a factory painted one just to put in a display case. The Japanese and US market would love these if finished.
funandtrains said:
In any other scale it would be deemed as madness to offer an incomplete model as standard where you have to complete the paint work yourself.

Roundhouse? They do prototype models just in base colour as did pearse models, Merlin.....

I think you may find having lining done is not as expesive as you may think.
Out of necesity, since I live in the USA I do my own lining, so far I have lined with Pactra tape with a gloss overcoat to date. I intend to purchase a lining pen for my next project. I will practice for a while, before putting paint to a finished model.
I think the real thing here is the sheer number of different livery variations that can be historically applied to a large quarry hunslet. No matter what was chosen as a 'one size fits all' it would then be 'wrong' to at least 75% of other potential purchasers who wanted to use the loco for a different scenario in their minds.

I am a great fan of lined locos, and where there is no argument as to the lining scheme it is a great boon to have locos like Peveril, Lyn, and Lew factory lined.
Where there is no obvious 'one type fits all' scheme it is an advantage to be able to chose you own spec, and we are lucky there are at least two good people on this forum who offer this service on a commercial basis, as well as others who are not on this forum.

Happy steamings,

Thanks John for the measurements.... the thing to remember is these are small loco's in 7/8ths.... see this post < Link To for a pic of a large type 7/8ths Hunslet compared with a similar sized loco in 16mm..............

Also I see on the SE Lounge that IP Engineering are to be producing rolling stock suitable for this loco, as are Mike Ousby and Rob Bennett. So if you can use glue then you have a nice train at your finger tips....
I built one of Mikes Penryhn open coaches a while back and it was a doddle to produce a nice coach.... and the IP 7/8ths ones are beautiful too!


I think Accucraft are vastly underestimating the market for these if marketed as show case models and will probably produce far too few in the first batch.
In which case if enough people contact them asking for it then I'm sure Mr Pearse will do it, they've proved they will listen and are playing it safe with the first batch. Personally yes I'd like a lined one if I go for one but spreading the cost by lining it later also appeals.
Batch one will be very tempting but as I've other Accucraft items on order or really should get round to ordering I think I'll have to wait and hope for a second batch. Unlined locos still look good, see the Earl. ;)