Between weather and the inevitable list of honey-do's, I didn't get around to testing out my recently fettled B-G until this afternoon, and even that was cut short by a rainstorm.
Basically, mrs tac and I hied over to chuffed2bits premises a week past yesterday, and collected the loco after the fixes I noted earlier. This run today was the result -
The run was a great success, and I can truthishly state that I don't recall the loco EVER running as well as this before. The pressure came up to 50-ish in around eight-nine minutes. I had left open the cylinder drains as Mr Darby had suggested and had half-filled the tender with warmish water. As the SVs blew, I opened the throttle and away it went, as smooth as could be. I ran, light in both directions, for just under 48 minutes, and stopped due to rain - I bet I could have hit the hour with care. I noted, too, that the top speed was FAR in excess of anything previously experienced, probably as a result of a revised throttle action. Its response was very smooth, just like the real thing, and starts and slow-downs were both achieved to scale speeds - a real delight to drive. It seemed to be VERY economical with water, too, and the glass was still showing a healthy amount when I shut down in the pouring rain. Pressure held at a steady 50psi for the whole run, with only the very slightest feathering from the SVs showing.
All in all, I'm VERY pleased with the work carried out, and have no hesitation about recommending chuffed2bits to anybody looking to get their loco going properly.
I'll be posting a video of it in action on our much larger Ramsey track as soon as I get the chance to do so.
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