Hi all.
After the success with my first live steamer (a Regner Konrad), I've been thinking about getting a second engine. One that has really caught my eye, and is within my price range is the Accucraft Ragleth.
It also meets my critieria for going around R1 curves, which my layout is consists off.
Another slightly cheaper option is a Roundhouse Basic line model, so would like to know which would be best.
First of all, is it best to pay that bit extra for R/C?
I don't have any issue with manual models, but I've heard the sometimes need a bit more omph to get them around bends (especially tight ones). This is where R\C would come in a bout more handy than manual I guess? Giving it a bit more reg on the bend then less on straights.
Second, cleaning.
I know live steams can get a bit dirty, so would like to know what us recommend to keeping the paint work and other things in top condition.
Any help would be greatful. As you all know a live steamer is not a cheap purchase, a would like to get it right.
Many thanks callum
After the success with my first live steamer (a Regner Konrad), I've been thinking about getting a second engine. One that has really caught my eye, and is within my price range is the Accucraft Ragleth.
It also meets my critieria for going around R1 curves, which my layout is consists off.
Another slightly cheaper option is a Roundhouse Basic line model, so would like to know which would be best.
First of all, is it best to pay that bit extra for R/C?
I don't have any issue with manual models, but I've heard the sometimes need a bit more omph to get them around bends (especially tight ones). This is where R\C would come in a bout more handy than manual I guess? Giving it a bit more reg on the bend then less on straights.
Second, cleaning.
I know live steams can get a bit dirty, so would like to know what us recommend to keeping the paint work and other things in top condition.
Any help would be greatful. As you all know a live steamer is not a cheap purchase, a would like to get it right.
Many thanks callum