Yet again I am after some help!! I own 2 live steam locos - a 5 year old Accucraft Mortimer and a 2 year old Roundhouse Silver Lady, both are manual. They drive totally differently, and I am wondering if this is normal, and if I can change the Roundhouse at all. The Mortimer is docile, slow, and pulls brilliantly. It never runs away or goes much over prototypical speeds whatever load you give it, even light engine. If it slows on a corner (there are two 180 degree bends on the line) it pauses and then as steam pressure builds up it pulls smoothly away. It is however a nightmare to get to light!! By the way there are no real gradients on the line. The Roundhouse will not run slowly at all. With any load or no load it will not pull at slow speeds - it only works at fast speeds. I have tried lower pressure and higher pressure with no change in its running characteristics. So my questions are - is this difference one that other people have also noticed, and how can I get the Roundhouse to slow down? Its been to Roundhouse about a year ago, and they say there is nothing wrong with it. Its a pity because it was a really expensive engine and looks stunning static, but hurtles round the track and looks frankly odd. Any advice / comments / observations / solutions gratefully received please!!