Accucraft Wrekin - live steam starter

Some pics of Wrekin...

On the MR with 5 IP Eng small coaches. The 32mm line has sharp curves and steep gradients.

On a day out with 6 short bogie coaches based on Lehmann toy train vehicles.
Wrekin modified cab backsheet.

L-R:- Lawley, Baldrig (Edrig) & Wrekin.

Can't yet get a clear shot of the R/C - will need to remove the body.
markrussell said:
Hi all..Thanks for all the advice..Any idea as to how many of the Accucraft 4 wheel wagons the Wrekin will pull?..Thanks Mark.

Unless your garedn is on an epic scale, or your using depleted uranium as a load, I think it will probably pull a lot more than you will ever need it to!
markrussell said:
Hi all..Thanks for all the advice..Any idea as to how many of the Accucraft 4 wheel wagons the Wrekin will pull?..Thanks Mark.

How log is a piece of string? Certainly these are powerful locomotives and I have run Edrig with four Cheddar metal coaches fully fitted out with an all up weight of a smidgin under two stone. It was not even stressed. There are however, many variables. First of all do you have any gradients on your line and do you use flexi track or fixed straight and curved LGB type track. Steam locomotives do not like the latter ? which is why the prototype does not use fixed radius curves. They don't like fierce gradients either. Of course this all works fine with a locomotive powered by an electric motor ? or indeed a geared down steam locomotive ? either of these will go up hill and down dale, through sharp fixed radii reversed curves no trouble at all, but a steam loco with fixed cylinders is turning very slowly and relying on brute strength. On this sort of track therefore, R/C is a necessity.
Elmtree Line said:
My Lawley looks a little different to a normal one :bigsmile: :thumbup:


She's beautiful.
I hate rc,but I'm going to have to get mine done,with having a full cab she's uncontrollable.I could have a control coming out of the back of the cab but I don't like altering things that can't be put back.
A RH Lady Anne which must have a similar tractive effort can do this Look as it comes up the hill most the red buffer beam is hidden from view by the hill as it reaches the bottom of the incline.
I know it's not the right stock sorry- some appropriate coaches are on the aqusition list. As it happens it seems to run slower and sound better (not here that's full regulator, full forward reverser) with some weight behind so I will probably ballast up any coaches I do buy.