ACW era figures


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Anyone come across any ACW (or a little later) figures at affordable prices, if at all? Ozark were said to be thinking about them a few years ago, but nothing seemed to come of it. The Schleich Western range has similarly vanished with no sign of a revival.
I have seen a single pack of ACW era soldiers somewhere, maybe from Noch?
Are you looking at military figures, or civilians from the same sort of period?

Either way it's not going to be easy..... G scale, where you're really needing figures around 80-90mm tall, is too big for any of the Wargaming scales, at that size you're up into the realms of very expensive collectors' figurines. :(

I guess some of the Schleich Western stuff might still be available on eBay - maybe try

it all depends on the desired scale and on your purse or painting skills.

in 1:32 (54mm) or in 1:29 (60mm) there are more than enough (plus some) unpainted or painted plastic figures of that era.
all male, most in uniforms and most in action poses.
some exist in 1:25 (70mm) and in 1:20 (90mm)

or, for the fat purse: look for lead/tin figures in any of these scales. (painted they can cost up to the price of a smaller loco each)

i collect (old) swoppet figures in 1:32 up to 1:29, and try to copy and/or modify them. (prices 5 to 15 eu each)
modifying is easy. - knife and two part epoxy - but expensive.
copying per scanner and printer gave less than satisfying results.
copying by making molds and pour or epoxy might be the way.

if you want to lose some hours, have a look:
Helpful stuff as always. There was a feature in Garden Railways a year or three back describing an ACW-era layout with fairly pacific characters around. That was the sort of thing I fancied. 75mm isn’t too far out, although I’ve got a handful of Schleich folks. I’ll try .de although ebay offers me German stuff even when I specify UK only. Will try Noch as well.
Thank, chaps.
Well, Playmobil used to do ACW sets but discontinued them some time ago. Search on eBay for western soldiers, confederate, union, civil war all prefixed by Playmobil, although I accept they may not be the style of figure you're wanting.