ALDI - Crane LED bands for cyclists etc.

Aw mate don't get me started on moron cyclists. We have a great footpath and cycle way nearby and it's mostly a joy to use. Except in winter when the morons come out (both cyclist and pedestrian varieties). After the first mile or so the route is completely unlit. You regularly see muppets riding bikes in dark clothes with zero lighting. One night I almost ran over a guy who was walking home from work. I have really red-hot lights on my bike but still didn't see this guy until the last minute. He was dressed completely from head to toe in black (with his black hood up), no torch, or anything reflective. If I hadn't smelt the joint he was smoking en-route I'd have probably ploughed into him.

The same night on the return run home I spot a guy on a bike ahead of me with lights on (great), and his dog running in front of him wearing a hi-viz collar (well done). His daughter however is riding alongside him in complete darkness with no lights at all and is weaving all over the path in front of me. Luckily I caught a glimpse of her before things went south and was able to slam on the brakes. Her dads excuse when I had a go about daughter's lack of lights "well I didn't think that it would get dark so quick" - what a tosser.

Sorry massive thread drift. Told you not to get me started haha.
You ought to try living in Cambridge Gareth....
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