American Live Steam enquiry

funandtrains said:
If you want 1:29 scale the new AMS 0-4-0 dockside switcher looks very nice. The Aristo-Craft 0-4-0 and Rogers will be affordable but probably a bit limited in performance. If you want 1:29 the new Accucraft Forney is a good deal at about £600 or you good pay more for a Lyn or find a second hand WD 4-6-0. In 16mm ther is the Roundhouse Sandy River but a bit pricy. If you had larger curves I would say the Accucraft Mogul was a good deal. The Aster C&S moguls still come up for sale too at 1:22.5 scale.

Just being nosey here are these live steamers Steve? the 1/29 ones that is

regards Pete
As un update,i am now making enquiries regarding having Billy customised,to look American.The Accucraft Locos i have been shown/looked at...will not offer me long enough running.On a good day,i can get half an hour from Billy.(Don`t want to drop down to 10/15 mins.)I would never possess the skills to customise Billy myself,but have been given details of a place that might be able to do the job.We will see what they say !!
My only other option i think is the Accucraft,Black liveried "Lyn"...Which was built in America...LOOKS AMERICAN,and i reckon would have a bigger boiler than the likes of Ruby and the Forney`s.

Excellent decision, Ade. You won't find a better steamer than the Roundhouse Billy. I'm sure it can be Americanized.

Here is a picture of my old Merlin Mayflower that was Americanized. So, it can be done.


Good luck. We need some pictures when it is complete.

Thanks Steve will look at them, never been that into steamers but look and sound the biz when they run around, most my neighbors got ruby and lady annes? on 32mm track look well made and run well once seen a pic of a ruby redone as a Southern shunter in G1 looked fine thought of doing it to a usa type switcher just to annoy the neighbors wink wink.

A Regner Lumberjack may also be worth considering at some point, Mine runs for about 25 minutes & as it is geared it seems to run at a pretty constant speed up hill & down dale. I have gone the opposite route to you however & made some attempts to make it seem more UK in outline.
Good Luck however you jump.
Cheers Garry.
Spule 4 said:
SIG had an article on 'Mericanizing a Billy back in 2006 or so. Looked the part when done.

How i would love to be able to get hold of this article ??????????????????


Cheers for the link..Clicked on it,but can`t see a way of accessing the project you mention...Would it be i have to susbscribe to this,and order a back dated edition ??
Sorry if i`m missing the obvious


yes-worth the higher cost

more than the cheaper white metal Ozarks-much more durable with handling and the like-especially pilot steps, whistles anything that protrudes or gets bumped