Anton's Live Diesel Locomotive

Anton richards

Aviation - Live Diesel Locomotives
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Hi all

My name is Anton Richards, and over the last year i have been working on a couple of 'live diesel electric' internal combustion powered locos.





And now photos of my Live Diesel Warship type locomotive:

iphone pictur...00 x 900).jpg
iphone pictur...00 x 900).jpg
iphone pictur...00 x 450).jpg
iphone pictur...00 x 900).jpg
live diesel l...0 x 1200).jpg

Re:Live Diesel Locomotive

Hi Anton.

This baffled me as well until someone explained it to me.
To add an image to your posting, click on the paper clip symbol next to the smiley face. A window will open that says "Upload file(s) to the server". Click "Select" and select each picture you want to post individually, one per line. When you've finished, click "upload" at the bottom. You should get confirmation that the file has been uploaded. At the bottom of your reply you will now see a list of attachments.
Here's the clever bit (i.e. the bit I didn't understand). Place the cursor where you want the picture to appear in the message. You'll then see the usual blinking vertical bar. Then use your mouse to move the cursor over the attachment name (probably image 1 or image 2 etc) and left click on it. In the text where you left the cursor blinking you will see
or whatever appear. (Image 1 will be attachment 0, image 2 will be attachment 1 etc.).

And that's it. The first time I did it I experimented and edited a reply and put in different pictures just to check I could do it and it worked.
I hope that helps!
Re:Live Diesel Locomotive

And this is just to check that what I wrote works! Here's a still from Anton's You Tube video. Very interesting!

The only thing I need to add is that you have to use the full reply feature, not the "quick reply".
Re:Live Diesel Locomotive

Thanks for that Steve.

It still wont let me upload any photos...Hmmm this always seems to happen when in a new forum.

More of the Warship Live Diesel:

class warship...00 x 900).jpg

class warship.1200 x 900).jpg
Re:Live Diesel Locomotive

Welcome to the forum Anton.

You'll need to resize your pix; I use Pixresizer myself which can be downloaded free.

Very interesting project by the way....
Re:Live Diesel Locomotive

I've had occasions in some of our areas where the first "Select attachment" box in the list just doesn't work, so try the second as well.
Re:Live Diesel Locomotive

Thats excellent well done. Very impressive. I assume the engine is turning an electric motor which in turn is powering the driving electric motor, which I supect isnt very straight forward due to the rpm involved?
Re:Live Diesel Locomotive

A promising start, but as Tony noted its the noise that is going to be the issue. Most attempts at building a live diesel have this flaw. I reckon whoever overcomes this & produces a reliable model that can be easily manufactured would be on to a winner.
Re:Live Diesel Locomotive

Cyclone, Thank you very much for saying that, as its very nice to hear that people appreciate my work. Yes diesel electric setup, and as you can see from the videos, the generator motor also acts as a starter motor.

Well in theory it should be very straight forward, Nitro engine>DC motor>traction motor=forward/reverse motion. But its fair more complex due to how each part react with the other. I and a few others on the "Continental garden trains" forum, run by Carl Hibbs, have made the diesel electric setup (live diesel), and many who have used pretty much identicle equipment, I.e. same engine, and generator have encountered very different problems, so its tricky to get it right, which is why you rarely come across one, and that is why i want to get my loco known through the garden railway world.

Thank you very much Tony & Garry, and yes the downside to the loco, is the noise. I have been working on better silencers but in this particular loco there is no room for a big silencer and therefor it is loud. My other loco is much quieter and can really be made nearly silent depending on how much of a silencer i have attached to the engine.
Re:Live Diesel Locomotive

Sorted your pics in post 1 for you Anton. Nice project - I saw Carls early stages about 4 years ago.
Re:Live Diesel Locomotive

Hi Alan, Thank you very much for doing that for me. Ive added onre more to that just to let you know.

Carl has made the green 'Monster', as he calls it, very effective and it i belive he is now working on his 3rd or even 4th live diesel locomotive.

Take a look at His forum as it has a live diesel section where there are about 7 different diesel models in total:

Re:Live Diesel Locomotive

Hi Anton,
Nice to see Shunt doing some useful work. I'm glad to see you found somewhere to run her.
Re:Live Diesel Locomotive

Forget the loco, I haven't seen track like that since I was knee high to a grasshopper :bigsmile:

Hornby 'O' gauge :thumbup::thumbup:
Re:Live Diesel Locomotive

Moonraker said:
What a dreadful noise. I bet the other exhibitors were not at all happy.
I believe that the layout was in the foyer, so they could run diesel & live steamers.
I couldn't go, but I gather that the French were rather taken with a bunch of Englishmen running trains for the garden.