Oh boy, don't want to start a pro & con war... I was just surprised to see so much interest
(hey, blue!)
Whatever you do in G scale there are people who love it or hate - This applies to running Playmobil trains or even DCC!
It is your railway, so if you want to run it, you can run it!
Bachmann do a huge range of Thomas stuff for the US market in HO scale and in 2009 they started making it in Large Scale too. At first it was just two locos, the coaches and wagons, but over the years the range has grown.
There are now Five locos and I may live long enough to see them finally make Winston - the speeder. There are now four goods wagon types, mostly in done in many different colours to add variety and the two types of coaches.
They have made repeated ue of the same tooling to cut costs - for example Annie and Claribelle have the same body as the Emily and Xmas coaches, but different running gear.
Whether the range will get much bigger I don't know.
Quality wise it is reasonable. There are no skates and the LGB like durability is not really there. I have already had to obtain and fit new wheels to my earliest locos as the old ones were worn out!
Design wise it is very pretty, but they have not incorporated simple things like swivelling bogies/couplings like LGB and Playmobil did. This means where and how the stock can be run can cause issues with binding on sharp curves and reverse r1 curves are forbidden!
That said I love it and run it for my own amusement, as well as to entertain children who visit.