Aristo-craft Train Engineer Transmitter CRE 55470 Repair

Yes Phil, it is the same 27mhz.
It was me who sold the whole system to Jimmy (along with a free 'spare' back-up handset as a possible one to get working again).
The one that I have just found is exactly the same as the others and was probably one that I had accrued way back nearly when I started on the G scale journey (2006).
But as it was stashed away it probably has problems...the aerial screw connector on the PCB is missing but that could be taken easily from the other 'dead spare' PCB.
Many thanks for the comments. I am currently (no pun intended) content with track power with RC, and having only recently purchased the TE wish to stick with it until I really know what I want.
Jon, what you describe seems interesting but i am having trouble visualizing the system, and have no idea what i would need, or what it would cost!
Many thanks for the comments. I am currently (no pun intended) content with track power with RC, and having only recently purchased the TE wish to stick with it until I really know what I want.
Jon, what you describe seems interesting but i am having trouble visualizing the system, and have no idea what i would need, or what it would cost!
Just have a look at my latest Battery setup on my T25 Railcar, remove the sound card which is the biggest component and the Battery to be replaced with a Transformer and job done. RC Bits cost around 90-100 plus you will need a 2 amp Transformer plenty about that should do. You may even have one. The bits could be mounted in a modest sized Electrical Box. The handset is very handy to carry about and use.

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Jon, read the T25 with interest, I assume I apply 24v to the track, and control the loco via an ESC on board, how many locos does the Tx control, and can I control points with this.
Not sure that I understand your thinking Jimmy.

1st The Track Power would come via the ESC to the Track rather than from the Track. In effect you would be using the Fosworks Kit with Transformer to make a regular Controller that would be suppying Track Power. Hope this makes sence.

As for how many Locomotives does each ESC Control, well if it is BatteryPowered just one at a time. However as a normal DC Analogue Controller can drive more that one Locomotive (but not under individual control) somin theory subject to Power Consumption and Amp Ratings so could this setup.

If you wanted more Locomotives to be under individual Control then perhaps more than o e Handset with a reciever in each one would give you multiple controlled locomotives if you supply the 24v to the track. Though that would be an unusual way to go and if you had more Locomotives each would ned an ESC and Vioer Control to work. A Radio Transmitter would either be required flr each Locomotive or you would need to bind each one that you wish to drive individually, not difficult but a bit of a pain.

Not seen anything on the Fosworks supite that will control points but it may exist but not without some fancy juggling and more kit.