Aristo Shuttle Installation Problems - help please.

Hi Ade
the rectifier diodes to get are the same as used on the two shuttle track pieces something like a 1N5401 or 1N5404 (these take 3A)

Try's the page < Link To

Maplins do not seem to carry this range any more although they do have some 6Amp jobbies
They must be rectifier dioides. I used IN4001s (available from Maplins), which are fine for low power loads such as a tram, but you couldtry IN4002s.

The best bet would be to use the same type as are used in your stop track, because you are obviously not blowing them.
I have just opened up an LGB 1015K and that uses IN5401s, so these must be OK for even the beefiest of LGB locos.

IN5401s are rated 3AMP 100V

IN4001s are 1AMP 50V
IN4002s are 1AMP 100V

So IN4001s would be OK for a small loco like an LGB Stainz or Porter.

In case you are wondering why not use a single resistor in place of a pair of back to back diodes, its because diodes provide a consistent voltage drop regardless of current drawn.

All the above rectifier diodes drop the voltage by about three-quarters of a volt in their forward direction, so if you wanted a greater change you could put two in series for a 1.5V drop.

As you say the unit you use has some built in acceleration, you could use a single diode in that direction and a pair in series for deceleration.
Thanks Mike and DoctorM, I think I've got more than enough detail there to get experimenting especially with the link to Rapid and the diagram!!!

Cheers. :thumbup:
No Problem Ade, glad to be of service especially as you bought the shuttle system from me! :clap:
the rectifier diodes to get are the same as used on the two shuttle track pieces something like a 1N5401 or 1N5404 (these take 3A) Try's the page