Nailing colours t o the mast ...
Rx65 can do 3 Amps at 18 Volts 'as is' or be made to do 6 Amps with a small daughter-board.
Both the Rx65 or (more economically the Rx102) can drive an external ESC, such as those from Viper. - Even something big enough to put in a 24 Volts 71/4" loco if you so wish!

The minor problem is the 'fear' of damaging all your existing stock, and its' electronics, by feeding it with PWM output..
I can believe there have been some problems. but like 'exploding Lipo batteries' think the problem is over-hyped. - YMMV, usual disclaimers.
The main problem is people want a 'one-stop' solution. Getting kit tested to meet regulation (for even a single Country) is so time-consuming, complex, and expensive it would not be cost effective for the likes of me to do.
Designing / sourcing a 'PWM to linear' convertor is not beyond the wit of man though.
Points can be controlled, and I have thought of offering a kit (pre-built electronics)..
All the buyer would need would be a box with a track diagram, and to drill holes for the (up to) seven switches for point control..
The problem comes at the layout end..
As an example:
A PV ('solar panel') could be mounted on the roof of a Signal Box. This would house a 'burglar alarm' lead acid (cheap and plentiful) battery, charge controller and receiver.
From here three-wire cables would go to servo's to control the points.. This is where the problems start!
1. Too many different makes of track-work / points to make a single unit.
2. Differing throws required.
3. No feedback channel.
4. No auxiliary feeds for signals.
So this would require 'engineering' by the purchaser.
To my knowledge, there have been three enquiries about this, during the (admittedly short) life of RC Trains to date.
Those who have enquired, whilst appearing enthusiastic, have not placed an order.
The time to develop this, source bomb-proof servo's, Provide worked examples for the various bits of kit, hold the Purchasers hand etc. I can not see it as viable, sorry!