bachmann controler


Hello sorry if this is a daft question but is the bachmann controller sutable for lgb (its a lot cheeper and im workng to a budget) its a gray box with a blue domed knob in the centre

Thanks Jim
Hi Jim,
And welcome.
I use a std Bachmann controler on my small indoor test track and have not seen any problems. However, this is only for short ( time & distance ) runs at low to med speeds. Others may have views covering long running at higher speeds.
Tony said:
It will move a small Loco but much more and you will need something bigger.....If you dont mind me asking what is your budget....Yes i know as cheap as pos :rolf: and what sort of locos do you intend to run ? i may have something slightly better

You still trying to get rid of the atomic nuclear cell based jobbie, know that the radiation leakage is way beyond what is acceptable :rolf::rolf::rolf:

The little Bachmann is very low amperage and so even a small loco will eventually burn it out if continuously running or running up an incline etc
Not only is the Bachmann low voltage (0-12V) but also low current.

It might run a Stainz at slow speed, but it may get hot and 'cut-out'.

I would suggest a 2nd hand LGB controller from a set (0-22V and 0.5 A) is your best bet? These can be found cheaply and you may get one here for a tenner if you ask nicely....
The controller Bachmann put in their On30 train sets will power low current drawing LGB locos. (The ones that had a flat large knob.)
:rolleyes: Alyn
Gizzy said:
Not only is the Bachmann low voltage (0-12V) but also low current.

It might run a Stainz at slow speed, but it may get hot and 'cut-out'.

I would suggest a 2nd hand LGB controller from a set (0-22V and 0.5 A) is your best bet? These can be found cheaply and you may get one here for a tenner if you ask nicely....

Following on from Gizzy's suggestion, could I suggest you look for a second-hand LGB 50080 unit, which is rated at 1 amp rather than 0.5 amp - this is the "all-in-one" (transformer/controller in one case) little red power pack that LGB supplied in starter sets up till a few years ago, when they changed to the ones with a separate black transformer and a red controller wired to it - I think these later two-unit ones are only 0.5 amp.

A 1 amp 50080 will give plenty of "oomph" for a single-motor loco in almost any circumstances, and will also be adequate for most LGB 2-motor locos under normal running conditions.

These power units come up on evilBay quite frequently and seem to fetch around the £20-£30 mark, though you will pay a few quid for p&p because they are quite heavy.

It will move smaller loco's such as the Red FO rack loco, just about.. but locos like the stainz will run a lot better.. :bigsmile:

but if you want to move up to the bigger LGB locos.. You'll need a 5 amp which will give you plenty of power to run.. :thumbup:
If you need a 50080(1 amp) as the lads mentioned I have one spare as I will be going MTS....£20 + £5 postage and its yours if you are interested send me a PM.
Have a good weekend all........with your wellies on!!!!:bigsmile:
Ok so 2nd hand lgb it is then im only running a stainz and it will eventually be a small shelf run round a small back yard but at the moment it will be a oval of track in the living room to entertain the wife and little girl (and me tee hee) wile i build the shelf in the yard , dose anyone have a controler thats for sale then cheep cheep :D that will do the job

Just looking at the shop site im going to tomorrow and the bachmann contorller im looking at is rated at 1 amp ? under controlers g on the grosmont railway shop site

Jim i would seriously not bother with it £35 is not alot of money but your best off getting something better
ive had a quick look ive got an LGB 50080 you can have for £15 inc post or a 4amp one for £40 inc post...up to you im not worried about selling either but if you have a PP account i can get either to you by tues via courier if it helps you out

jublybug said:
Whats the advantage of more amps?

Jim sory if im asking daft questions
The only daft questions are the ones you don't ask, but you may get a few daft answers on here! :rolf:

As your railway grows you may get bigger locos fitted with with two or even four motors; they may also have sound and smoke units. You may wish to double or triple head these and pull coaches with track powered lighting. All this takes more amps, i.e. power. It's cheaper and more convenient in the medium to long term to get a more powerful controller at the onset rather than keep upgrading. A high power controller will run low power locos O.K. but a low power controller won't work at all well with higher power locos.
Makes sense i supose thanks for clearing the merky waters for me fellas , tony il get in touch next week i think il take you up on the offer of the 4 amp job , if its still on the cards then that is :bigsmile: what make is it?

Thanks again Jim this forums great
What Neil says :thumbup:
or in other words the controler you get in a starter set is the bare min needed to work 1 loco with 2 or 3 small wagons/coaches it will run it perfectly
but buy another loco next year and try and run them together or buy another couple of wagons later and you may find that little controler will start cutting out if you turn it up to much.... maybe you might want to run lights or accesories and you will need something bigger
as a rough rule
1 small loco 1 amp is fine
average small railway maybe running 1 or 2 small locos or a large loco then 4-5 amps
10 amps and you should be able to run most combinations of anything if you need more than 10 amps you have a seriously big railway
Ok cool well for what im planning a 4 amp should be ok , im going to start a build thread once i get some bits together . so watch this space (just need a name now)8|

Thanks Jim il get some money in paypal tony and give you a shout thanks mate.