Bachmann J72 gears?


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Not large scale but I love OO too. Has anyone come across a print file for the square peg split axel gears like the big haulers use but in OO? This thing is beautiful and I don't want to give up on it. All possible replacements I have found would be $30+ shipped to the US!


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Have you 'Asked the Bachmann' in the US?

I don't have the time, or knowledge at this scale, to search for you..
But if you can find a replacement in the UK, I would be prepared to purchase it (sent to me) then stick it in the post..

Have you 'Asked the Bachmann' in the US?

I don't have the time, or knowledge at this scale, to search for you..
But if you can find a replacement in the UK, I would be prepared to purchase it (sent to me) then stick it in the post..

I appreciate that, thank you. I have asked Bachmann and am awaiting their reply also so we shall see. I have hunted high and low for a print file, if I don't hear back I may give designing on a go lol.
Pretty sure that is...I put it in the cart last night and it was going to be $30 shipped lol. I'll keep trying before I pull that expensive trigger! I emailed Bachmann UK so hopefully they are feeling helpful!!!
Well I'm calling it a mild success. Split the chassis, cleaned out all the had grease, cleaned the motor and lubed it up. Threw a quick down and dirty test gear together and printed it. Square axel pegs fit perfect. Length seems pretty good as does the gauge. Threw it on the test track and ran it around. I am guessing the gear teeth may be too fat and tight as while it does run, it is noisy. There is no play in the gears. I changed the pitch and shrunk it down just a hair. I'll test print another after work tomorrow...takes about 12 minutes at the highest resolution. The last rendered picture is V2.


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Looks to be less than that if I were to order and have sent to me, then forward on to you...

A couple revisions later and I have a running locomotive but it is still horribly noisey. I haven't given up but after a dismal Rovex Princess Elizabeth purchase that needs major help...I'd really just like a running OO while I work on other projects lol. PhilP I'll hit you up in the DM to find out more if your offer still stands. Bachmann UK pretty much told me to pound sand lol.


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The J70’s were always pretty noisy, that Princess is a real golden oldie. Not as old as the early ones that would bend the body in the middle!
The J70’s were always pretty noisy, that Princess is a real golden oldie. Not as old as the early ones that would bend the body in the middle!
I actually got that little beasty running last night, Princess Elizabeth that is! Soft wire wheel to the motor parts and pickups, a little solder here and there, some grease and she sprung to life. And about 10 times quieter than the darn J72 LOL . I could not believe when I opened this thing I found a little geared puffer plunger for the smoker even! And the sandpaper chuff paddle in the tender, genius!


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I actually got that little beasty running last night, Princess Elizabeth that is! Soft wire wheel to the motor parts and pickups, a little solder here and there, some grease and she sprung to life. And about 10 times quieter than the darn J72 LOL . I could not believe when I opened this thing I found a little geared puffer plunger for the smoker even! And the sandpaper chuff paddle in the tender, genius!
Oops yes J72, been waffling on a bit about J70’s recently! Yes for it’s time the Princess was pretty well sorted, Hornby (Tri-Ang to me) were to my mind better engineered that Bachman at the time but the Bachman detail was way in advance of Hornby. You paid yer money and made yer choice.
Oops yes J72, been waffling on a bit about J70’s recently! Yes for it’s time the Princess was pretty well sorted, Hornby (Tri-Ang to me) were to my mind better engineered that Bachman at the time but the Bachman detail was way in advance of Hornby. You paid yer money and made yer choice.
You are 100% right, older Bachmann models make beautiful static display pieces lol. I think that princess and coaches would look tons better with a nice satin paint job and then pick out some of the details...maybe add a few! Another project for another day...
My gear woes solved for now...Princess is also finished! Runs so nicely now and only reason it's so loud is the Bachmann EZ track I use for a test loop...noticed the box even has an unopened tube of smoke oil, though I think the generator is burnt out.

Short run at 30%
OO bill did a 3 parter on servicing and tuning a triang princess on his channel which you may find interesting.

part 3 is where he starts to tackle the noisey running.

Good lord that was a loud one lol. Mine wouldn't run at all, discovered the armature was black, the brushes were mildly green and the wire to the wipers was broken off! All cleaned up she runs great now. Next I'd like to get the smoke working, it's amazing that even back then it seems to be piston driven!
While waiting for my Bachmann gears to arrive, thank you PhilP, I decided to get my non running, new to me Hornby Fowler going. X03 armature and brushes were more carbon than anything else so I polished those up and she sprung to life! Put it in the chassis and nothing...after some poking around with my meter probes I discovered the wheels were in backwards also so flipped those around and boom. Gave it a run in and wow she is a great runner!!! Hornby's are a pain to find here but man they just run it seems, no matter how old they are. Hats off to all the British modelers here, love your logos! I have a set of 3 new Hornby Teaks coming, cant wait.20250312_230055.jpg
Anyone have any experience rebuilding one of these syncro smoke units? I tell you what, I love these forums! After searching many others for answers, all I have found is somebody asking a question...someone answers, and then everyone starts 'comparing sizes' and nothing ever gets resolved...nobs!20250306_195238.jpg