Bachmann On30 Railbus set

I'd certainly take one; something very like that ran in this neck of the woods and a bash would not be that difficult. However, given the economic climate for LS in the US I'm not sure we'll see anything new, except may in 1:29, for some time.

How well do the Hartland bogies/motors run? - Are they anything like as good as an LGB power-train?
Ah, like a 'Haynes' manual then..
"1. With finger and thumb, remove engine.."
;) ;) ;)
The original Delton Doozie railbus used simple escutcheon pins, one either side to hold the roof on.
Can't comment about the later versions, but the Delton one would not pull the skin off a rice pudding. Adding batteries and R/C for weight helped just a bit.
vsmith said:
I have a couple LBH coaches and the same thought occured to me, at the last show I saw a LBH bashed into a tram sort of thingy and immediatly thought it would be fun to have this On30 model bashed from the LBHs into a two or three car motor set for the Pizza

What is an LBH, Vic? I suspect your finger hit the key just to the right of the G spot. :-\
Rhinochugger said:
Just like a 2CV Citroen - so ugly, it's beautiful O0 O0 O0 O0

Taste is a many flavoured thing!!!!! ???