Hi, You can improve then running of Bachmann trams by fitting old style LGB pick ups. Part number 63210. You have to remove some weights which weren't very heavy which get in the way so I have glued some lead under the vestibule ends.
I did this to the toast rack tram, except I only had some of the newer ones so had to make a custom fitting for them. The Ballarat tram will probably get them too at some stage.
You can also see here the other big performance improving modification. A pair of large onboard capacitors are wired in parallel with the motor, allowing the tram to run over small dead spots (like a leaf or something) without loss of power. They certainly make a huge difference in helping the original motor blocks run smoothly, as well as giving a quite realistic inertia effect. The Ballarat tram has these too, but unfortunately I had to put them inside. There wasn't room under the floor.