Bachmann trams

I had 3 packets delivered at lunch-time today.

Each packet containe a different pair of tramcar windscreens from Martin.

To say that I am pleased would be an understatement. The units are beautifully finished - no rubbing down required here !

I am going to spend a happy evening taking tramcars down from my 'Tuit' shelf and preparing notes as to which tramcar gets which pair of screens.
As I work through my stack of cars and bodies I am sure I will be contacting Martin for more windscreens.

To those of you thinking of buying these products I would say ''GO FOR IT, YOU WILL NOT BE DISSAPOINTED''

Now, if I can persuade Martin to produce replacement sidewalls for the car to give more British 3 window sides I will be a happy tramcar builder.

I must point out that I have NO CONNECTION WITH MARTIN OR HIS BUSINESS. I am just a very happy customer.
Waiting to emerge from Little Falls works is refurbished driving trailer #60. This was a simple trailer and has now been fitted with driving controls at both ends and a one piece front dash/windscreen panel, which I’m now producing. I think it looks really great and well worth all the effort. IMG_8143.jpegIMG_8142.jpegIMG_8141.jpeg