Retired Oik

Did have an interesting Conversation (some 6 or so Years ago) with a guy that ran a Coffee Van at Waterloo Station. All his Electricity coming from Solar Pannels on top of his Van

Did have an interesting Conversation (some 6 or so Years ago) with a guy that ran a Coffee Van at Waterloo Station. All his Electricity coming from Solar Pannels on top of his Van
Still not clear how the "outer" terminal touches.
what is the inside dimension of the lower part?
Hm do we need a Thread ‘How did we ever get onto the subject of Batteries’?Greg, if you look at the impression in the bottom of the lower part of the housing (post #27) you will see a central spring terminal, and a flat strip terminal. - The one at the edge.
The early version of the 6V lantern battery had a spring terminal in the centre, and a bent over strip for the outer terminal. - Similar to those on the old 4.5V lantern battery:
View attachment 258866
Image from Wikipedia..
I have not found an image of the older style 6V battery... Yet!
That wouldn't be a hard cellHm do we need a Thread ‘How did we ever get onto the subject of Batteries’?![]()
Greg, if you look at the impression in the bottom of the lower part of the housing (post #27) you will see a central spring terminal, and a flat strip terminal. - The one at the edge.
The early version of the 6V lantern battery had a spring terminal in the centre, and a bent over strip for the outer terminal. - Similar to those on the old 4.5V lantern battery:
View attachment 258866
Image from Wikipedia..
I have not found an image of the older style 6V battery... Yet!
I have a couple of electric hand-warmers which no longer work because the USB sockets have worn out and don't connect any more for recharging them. They each contain two batteries of some sort. Could they be cannibalised to provide a power source for anything or should I just throw them into a recycle bin? I'm guessing they must have a substancial power output to heat up so quickly and they have a power duration of about half an hour full on.I've just picked up a LiOn battery pack from Lidl (12V DC, 5A, 12Ah). It's sold as an emergency portable starter for a car.
My plan is to dual purpose it, so that it can also operate my point motors when it's not in car use
You could also attach a standard controller to the DC outputs I guess, but it might not have enough voltage
to be useful outdoors (seems to be about 13V)?
I have a couple of electric hand-warmers which no longer work because the USB sockets have worn out and don't connect any more for recharging them. They each contain two batteries of some sort. Could they be cannibalised to provide a power source for anything or should I just throw them into a recycle bin? I'm guessing they must have a substancial power output to heat up so quickly and they have a power duration of about half an hour full on.