chris i guess to some extent,
its not only health,
but economics.
I love the smokers and always fill them
others never use them. I use a good deal of fluid.
The LGB fluid is great-it will clean wheels and plastic as well, without greasy residue.
It has no ill effects-other than it is toxic if inhaled directly-and dont drink it !
Overall it leaves virtually no tell tale scent , and while it must leave some type residue from being vaporized and settling, it is compartively light compared to home brew.
its up to you
the other possible aspect, might be, home brew might , might, be a solvent to some kinds of paint-
(as might LGB for that matter).
oh yes but one other thing that has occured in my home brew use,[style="background-color: #00ff00;"] is that i BELIEVE, that it evaporates hotter than LGB fluid, because i have deformed 2-3 of the stack grates on both turban stainz stacks and cook stacks on the 2017's
[style="background-color: #00ff00;"]this has never occurred with LGB fluid, and thus i think it is due to the home brew mix-so that might be the tie breaker
(i simply bought replacement grates some time back,before LGB went under-when you could easily and cheaply)
theres nothing to making the mix-
get a plastic jar, the kind that will not melt or soften with bbq and light oil
with a tight fitting cap, and mix bbq and high quality lamp oil (i use non scented and clear to reduce 'stuff' in it
the mixture need be no more precise than an eyeball approximation of half and half
then as mentioned, do not fill more than 1/3 of the smoker for best results-