Boxcar to long caboose.,READY FOR SERVICE

Just a little more done to the inside,I wanted some oil type lamps so brain in gear and some thought later I came up with these,3v peanut bulb and a ball point pen,the base of the lamps are three sizes of plastic tube glued together to make the oil tank and the top rim is one piece of tube to hold it all together,simple back plate made from a few scraps of plastic moulding and the bulb passed through the tube and a hole drilled in the back plate,now the fun bit,I found an old ball point pen case that was clear and round,heated with a lighter and pulled,presto small clear tube,then the tube was glued onto the top of the bulb.The bulb gives the impression of the bulge in the glass and the tube finishes off the glass flute,wired up and work ok,one in the crew area and one over the conductors desk,with the roof on a smart glow gives just about the right amount of light,thinking about a previous reply on here (Bill) and his flickering stove I thought about lighting the stove on this bash too,simply drilled a few holes,inserted 3v bulb and filled the inside of the stove with red sweet papers,not flickering but maybe the dying embers,anyway through the windows it looks fine and needs a paint touch up,,,,,,,BOXBOOSE LIGHTS 001.jpgBOXBOOSE LIGHTS 002.jpgBOXBOOSE LIGHTS 003.jpg:clap::clap:.Still loads to do on the interior but at least the crew can keep warm and see in the dark!!As for battery life, good rechargeable items will give me usable light for about 4 hours once the marker lights go on,experience from boat navigation lights will give me an evening run session easily;););)
Looks really good.

For an extra challenge you could fit a smoke unit, but with the smoke coming from the conductors cigarette.
Some delay in posting as computer problems:swear::swear:,now some detailing done,marker lights now on but need finishing,the red and green lenses are sweet papers, switch for all the lights is in the right hand top window on the battery box,only the bottom section is glazed,well it is the WC so an open window just may be a good idea?details for the inside so far are,coffee pot from an oil can from the Bachmann tool kit,spout and handle added,conductors desk has clipboards and map on the wall,ashtray(with butts) and ciggy packet on the table,some items on the shelving,cups on the sink and not forgetting the pin ups on the locker doors,I want some more in when i get some time,little"bits" are quite time consuming,I still have to find a crew,conductor and brakeman needed from somewhere.just have to check the spares box;);)boxboose detail 1 001.jpgboxboose detail 1 002.jpgboxboose detail 1 004.jpgboxboose detail 1 006.jpgboxboose detail 1 008.jpg
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A little more done,getting the glazing in,a simple job of cutting the clear sheet to size and dropping into the slot between the inner and outer walls and no glue so allows for any "glass" to be changed,all a nice tight interference fit,the window over the conductors desk is left open to allow the side to be pulled out to release the original roof clips for the battery change.A window frame top will go on top of the clear on the open window to finish off,got the bits to do the job just not done it yet!!:pWINDOWS 002.jpgWINDOWS 001.jpgWINDOWS 003.jpgWINDOWS 004.jpg
Well during my recent illness I had good days and bad days and on some of the good days I caught up with some modelling bits and bobs that needed doing and got around to get the caboose ready for service,some grab rails added together with chains across the walkways,lettering and numbers put on and all grab rails,break wheels etc painted white,now also sporting rechargeable batteries.The curved grab rails on the outside on the old caboose donor were too far gone to reuse so I may get the white metal kit for the bobber and replace all the rails on the car,still under consideration,or may leave as is.Still a few items to sort,light weathering on the trucks,on the interior,mainly a crew,conductors chair and a couple of more detail items to drop in to complete but I can call it usable as a revenue car,:clap::clap:taken long enough as started in November!!!OOOPS just noticed the cupola in the pic is not quite on properly,will sort after I get the crewman in when glued on!!!!!!boxboose4 004.jpgboxboose4 006.jpgboxboose4 008.jpgboxboose4 009.jpg
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Impressive bit of kit. Be a shame to weather it but the white steps wouldn’t stay that way very long in service...
The plan is a very light weather,some oil and dust on the trucks and to tone down the white steps,airbrush should do the job well,have some other cars/locos to do at the same time,,,,another roundtoit!!!!!:rofl:;)