Model Railroading, boats and oil painting,
Just a little more done to the inside,I wanted some oil type lamps so brain in gear and some thought later I came up with these,3v peanut bulb and a ball point pen,the base of the lamps are three sizes of plastic tube glued together to make the oil tank and the top rim is one piece of tube to hold it all together,simple back plate made from a few scraps of plastic moulding and the bulb passed through the tube and a hole drilled in the back plate,now the fun bit,I found an old ball point pen case that was clear and round,heated with a lighter and pulled,presto small clear tube,then the tube was glued onto the top of the bulb.The bulb gives the impression of the bulge in the glass and the tube finishes off the glass flute,wired up and work ok,one in the crew area and one over the conductors desk,with the roof on a smart glow gives just about the right amount of light,thinking about a previous reply on here (Bill) and his flickering stove I thought about lighting the stove on this bash too,simply drilled a few holes,inserted 3v bulb and filled the inside of the stove with red sweet papers,not flickering but maybe the dying embers,anyway through the windows it looks fine and needs a paint touch up,,,,,,,.Still loads to do on the interior but at least the crew can keep warm and see in the dark!!As for battery life, good rechargeable items will give me usable light for about 4 hours once the marker lights go on,experience from boat navigation lights will give me an evening run session easily