Bus Wires (Best Wire to Use?)

Batteries in 30 odd locos - i think not. Then there is coach lighting, building lights - let alone the sounds in DCC
A set of batteries, and even a MLS card as well, will be cheaper than an XLS..

Each to their own..
well, speakers between the 2 methods is a wash.
so the sound decoders I buy are a maximum of $200. and that is top of the line sound.

So we use a term apples to oranges here. The MLS sound board is not of the caliber of an XLS, or QSI, Zimo, Massoth, ESU

Here in the US the MLS card is $80, so your battery, the receiver and a percentage of the transmitter cost and a percentage of a charger is under $200?

There's still not a huge gap.. of course to be fair should include a percentage of the DCC system, but then trying to be fair, you need a $200 sound card, so you are more expensive when comparing apples to apples.

Bottom line is usually 4 locos or under battery less expensive for the same quality level as DCC INCLUDING all the chargers, DCC systems, etc.

I have more than 4 locos and want to do things wireless cannot do, so my choice was easy.

I just don't see why people want to come into a track power thread and say "battery is better"... not helping the person that started the thread in 99.99% of the time.

well, speakers between the 2 methods is a wash.
so the sound decoders I buy are a maximum of $200. and that is top of the line sound.
I just don't see why people want to come into a track power thread and say "battery is better"... not helping the person that started the thread in 99.99% of the time.


I suppose people are just trying to say why have the hassle of dealing with the vagaries of track power when battery operation (to them) obviates the problems of conductivity.

I have eight items of motive power that are battery powered - but the other 30-odd items are track powered. For me, analogue is the rule. I couldn't afford - or even get my head around - DCC. I admire those who use and advocate that type of control but, equally, whince more than a little when I see the problems people are having with programming and the like.

Having experienced electric traction on the the streets of the UK (and owned two trolleybuses [trolleycars?] in preservation), DC is for me - simple - it either works or it doesn't!

In the end, whatever people advocate or promote, it's down to Rule Eight and "horses for courses".

Thread drift on this Forum is a way of life - Freedom of expression?
an entire collection of different reasons...

conductivity is only one small piece of running trains... for every positive of batteries, i can give you a negative, so I ;have a hard time accepting the rationale that it's your duty to bring batteries to the heathens

there's a huge difference between thread drift and a complete 180 degree turn saying give up track power and go battery.... that's not drift... that's hijacking..

freedom of expression is something I agree with, but must every freedom of expression re-ignite the track power vs. battery war?
an entire collection of different reasons...

conductivity is only one small piece of running trains... for every positive of batteries, i can give you a negative, so I ;have a hard time accepting the rationale that it's your duty to bring batteries to the heathens

there's a huge difference between thread drift and a complete 180 degree turn saying give up track power and go battery.... that's not drift... that's hijacking..

freedom of expression is something I agree with, but must every freedom of expression re-ignite the track power vs. battery war?
Surely the advantages and disadvantages of which ever system you choose equal out in the end? This discussion could probably last 3 lifetimes and never be put to sleep.
To continue the thread drift, currently I am analogue (or will be when I get some track down), I do plan to have some R/C live steam when finances permit, which may mean I move away from track powered to battery for other items. However, by the time I am in a position to move on I may have completely changed my mind and moved to DCC - who knows, the vagaries of human kind.