Cheap & Cheerful

I fear it is time to replace the hi-tech paint booth. However, I’ll squeeze in some more jobs:

Coach roofs getting a dose of maroon; loco boiler a final black touch up; two Feldbahnwagen in red oxide primer, which may well be their final colour as they’re destined for MoW service. Standard goods stock colour on the Fallowfield Light Railway is dark grey.
I fear it is time to replace the hi-tech paint booth. However, I’ll squeeze in some more jobs:

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Coach roofs getting a dose of maroon; loco boiler a final black touch up; two Feldbahnwagen in red oxide primer, which may well be their final colour as they’re destined for MoW service. Standard goods stock colour on the Fallowfield Light Railway is dark grey.
Not quite sure why you are replacing this cardboard box, looks a perfectly serviceable spray booth to me. Mine been in use over 12 years.
Pleased to find that a 48-hour dunk in 91% isopropyl alcohol has loosened almost all of the paint from the coach roofs.
Nice to know I can still learn something :nerd:
Pleased to find that a 48-hour dunk in 91% isopropyl alcohol has loosened almost all of the paint from the coach roofs.
Nice to know I can still learn something :nerd:
Didn't you just paint the coach roofs? What paint were you loosening? I may need to use the isopropyl alcohol trick.
Didn't you just paint the coach roofs? What paint were you loosening? I may need to use the isopropyl alcohol trick.
Yes, I sprayed Tamiya TS maroon over well dried Rustoleum Painter's Touch grey primer and the Tamiya crinkled in several spots or simply didn't take. After two days in the alky, most of both paints came off easily when scraped with the edge of a popsicle stick and a brass bristle brush. I shall use fine wet-and-dry to finish the job.
The same Tamiya gave no trouble when sprayed over Painter's Touch flat red primer on the coach bodies, so I suspect operator error :blush:.
It's always in the very last place you look
You really are a silly Billy! If you looked in the very last place you looked first, you would have found it and that would have prevented you loosing it in the first place and in order to find it looking in the very last place you look. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Having tested the Piko r/c gubbins t'other day (this project goes in fits and starts), I took a moment while the washer was swooshing away to stuff battery and receiver in the tender and re-assemble the tender.



Spares box produced a length of brass wire to fabricate a coupling hook to replace the plastic hook that the previous owner had misplaced.
Glumly pondering what to do about connecting and piston rods for the loco and adapting for the wide-slung cylinders ...

(this is the chassis with the burnt-out motor that I have discarded, just to illustrate the offending cylinder layout) ...

I decided it would be easier to go with inside cylinders and Googled someone who had the same idea ( Lil Big Hauler Inside Cylinder 0-4-0ST Bash ). Now whether any narrow gauge loco ever had inside cylinders I know not, but I took up my faithful Exacto saw and whacked off the offending appendages


and cut them up

to make two cylinders and two boxes/chests.

The chests glued each side of the smokebox saddle

and the cylinders under the footplate.

et voila

Any exacting soul pointing out that the cylinders are too low (the piston and connecting rods wouldn't clear the front axle) is invited to consider artistic licence >:).

Getting there, slowly slowly.
It lives!

It being Father's Day, the Old Man was allowed some play time, so the newest loco was taken out for testing.

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Ol' No. ??, powered by a Tenergy 4S (14.8v) lithium battery and a Piko Rx, trundles along at a decorous pace suited to an impecunious pira branch line.
I am impressed by the Piko r/c set and amazed that I managed to make it work o_O.
Combine assembled:

Yes, the maroon on the roof is a different hue to the body, although both were sprayed from the same cans. I am going to blame the railway’s impecunuity.

Next task is to restore the truss rod under the coach.
Truss bodge from materials at hand*

A bit of sanding, a lick of paint, and I hope it will pass the 10-foot rule if I take my glasses off :nerd:

*remember the impecunity!