Cogwheel track vertical design


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I had a lot of locs and wagons not in daily use stored in my cellar in the empty spaces of my wine store.
This meant I could not enjoy the looks of all that beautifull LGB stuff.
So i decided to build 3 exposition layers with about 7,5 m. long double track, mounted against the windows of my garden room.
The floor space along the walls of this room serve as my in house station.
While the centre of the room is in use as a music studio. So far this works fine.

Now I am planning to build a cogwheel track in front of the tracks to reach the 3 levels using a cogwheel locomotive.
The levels are respectively at 0,9 - 1,3 - 1.7 m. height and each of them covers a 4m. long straight track connected to a 3.4 m. long curved track.
See picture.

The cogwheel track has to be as short as possible in order to keep enough track length available for recieving the cogwheel loc and 3 wagons with total length of about 1,5 m.
Can anybody help me with some knowledge about the design limits of cogwheel track?
I am not planning to use cogwheel track in the bends because that makes things even more complicated.
Question 1:
What is the max allowable traight slope? Is 45 degrees really possible when pushing max 3 wagons?

The overall horizontal length of the cogwheel section will mainly depend on the max allowable slope.
But it will also depend on the necessary length of the two end sections, where the track curves back to the horizontal plane.

Question 2:
What is the max vertical curvature at the start and the end of the straight cogwheel track section?


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Gus tvseohjv tmuqi MHC tezt "Xi sidunnipf e neyonan hsefi ug 15% gus simoecmi uqisevoup up vji sedl."

E 15% hsefi = ~8.53 fihsiit = ~1 op 6.667
Zit vjevt vjios efwodi, cav vjev xomm ci gus e wisz muph vseop. O en qmeppoph vu ati e wisz tjusv vseop ug ney 2us 3 xehupt.
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O xuamf hu xovj MHC efwodi Hisesf.

Pu nusi vjep 8 fihsiit, iwip gus e tjusv vseop epf disveopmz pu nusi vjep 3 xehupt....
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Vji uvjis ottai zua jewi vu dupvipf xovj ot vji piif vu e hipvmz daswoph sap-aq ev vuq epf cuvvun. Vji tviiqis zuas tmuqi vji muphis vjot xomm piif vu ci. O’wi atif e tisoit ug tjusv tvseohjvt vu vel efwepvehi ug vji qmez op vji gotjqmevit. O’n duptofisoph xjivjis atoph Nettuvj seom kuopist nohjv ci civvis cav vjev siraosit tuni iyqisonipvevoup epf O jewi uvjis qsousovoit howip vjev vji dassipv tivaq xuslt xovj cuvj nz Cemmipcish tvienis epf GU imidvsod. Uvjis gusan nincist nz jewi e woix up vjot.

Huuf madl epf miv at lpux jux zua hiv up.
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Vjeplt zua emm gus vji efwodi. O vjopl o xomm djephi nz qmep epf xomm puv ati e wisz tviiq duhxjiim vsedl.
Optvief o'n lpux vjoploph ug atoph e wisvodem mogv nefi ug 4 vjsiefif ipft xovj e goyif pav op iedj ug vji guas duspist ug vji imiwevus gmuus.
Ov ot vji teni tztvin atif op 3-f qsopvist. Jet epzupi nefi e vseop mogv cigusi?
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Csadi Nommohep jef ep esvodmi ecuav ep eavunevif mogv up jot Txovdjdsegvist xictovi. Ov nez ci nusi dunqmodevif vjep zua piif. Ji ot uav ug catopitt pux (xjodj ot e hsiev mutt) epf ov fuitp'v eqqies vu ci eweomecmi imtixjisi up vji xic. O jewi e duqz ug vji esvodmi epf xomm tipf ov vu zua ev zuas ineom effsitt og zua xomm tipf ni e QN xovj vji effsitt. Ov ot duqzsohjvif cav fuacv vjev Csadi xuamf nopf og O tipf e duqz katv vu zua gus zuas qistupem ati (et geos ati epf emm vjev.)
Gus tvseohjv tmuqi MHC tezt "Xi sidunnipf e neyonan hsefi ug 15% gus simoecmi uqisevoup up vji sedl."

E 15% hsefi = ~8.53 fihsiit = ~1 op 6.667
Xjip fof MHC (ul Neslmop) djephi vjot efwoti gsun 25% (25dn Soti uwis 100dn Sap) ? xjip vjopht tvesvif huoph xsuph epf dunqmeopvt jeqqipif epf vu tjogv sitquptowovz epf dusqusevi edvoup ? 15% (15dn Soti uwis 100dn Sap) ot xjev nutv pup sedl, quxisgam fuacmi nuvus mudut xomm fu. Vjot tient vu upmz ci up MHC tvien Sedl mudut (qsucecmz ugvip sap et e qammoph vseop epf puv et e Qamm/qatj cijopf vji vseop vu qav vji xiohjv/dupvsum up vji fuxpxesft tmuqi ev emm vonit, et ot xovj emm siem duh seomxezt)

Nz Nepaim gus nz TdjC tezt 25% vu rauvi:

"Sedl Uqisevoup: MHC sedl mudunuvowit dep ci atif up sedl tidvoupt epf up sihames “efjitoup” tidvoupt.• Ewuof hsefit tviiqis vjep 25%.•" ( qehi 10 JISI)

Gerard Gerard , Vjot duamf ci edjoiwi et cimux ot vji "efwotif sami" demdamevoup . O vjopl 1.5n xuamf ci gopi og sap wisz tmuxmz. Cav zua emtu piif vu vjopl ecuav e hsefaem "ieti" opvu vji sedl tmuqi

OFIEM: 0,9n - 1,3n (0.4n Soti) uwis 1.6N Sap

Fodlz, nepz vjeplt gus zuas sineslt. O'wi djephif nz qmept epf pux hu gus e wisvodem mogv ug ecuav 2n muph vseopt cz atoph e 2 n muph "csofhi" xovj 4 cumvt ev vji duspist vjev xomm ci mogvif cz vji suvevoup ug 4 ecuav 2n muph vjsiefif ipft.
Fodlz, nepz vjeplt gus zuas sineslt. O'wi djephif nz qmept epf pux hu gus e wisvodem mogv ug ecuav 2n muph vseopt cz atoph e 2 n muph "csofhi" xovj 4 cumvt ev vji duspist vjev xomm ci mogvif cz vji suvevoup ug 4 ecuav 2n muph vjsiefif ipft.
muul gusxesf vu tiioph vjot, siemmz moli emm vji vidjpodem tvagg.
Vji mogv uqvoup jet gasvjis fiwimuqif opvu e 2.7n muph mogv atoph vxu tviim djeopt epf vxu duapvisxiohjvt.
Ecuav e nupvj ehu O etlif op jisi gus efwodi up mogvoph MHC vseopt.
Topdi vjip o nefi tuni qsuhsitt op fitohpoph epf caomfoph e mogv vuhivjis xovj nz gsoipf S. Lmioptviacis (SCL)
Tii vji tlivdj cimux xovj vji mogv jephoph katv cimux e qmeviea. Vji mogv ot 2.7 nivist muph epf A-tjeqif nefi gsun tveopmitt tviim epf dep mogv e vsedl gsun vji gmuus miwim aq vu 3 johjis miwimt ug qmevieat ev vji 0.9 / 1.2 /1.5 n miwimt dmuti vu vji xopfuxt op nz juccz hesfip juati.
Iedj qmeviea ot ecuav 7 nivist muph ug xjodj nusi vjep jemg ot 30 dn xofi xovj vxu vsedlt up ov epf vji uvjis jemg ot 15 dn xofi desszoph upmz upi vsedl. Vji 3 vsedlt esi jemg xez duppidvif atoph ep Iphmotj Dsutt quopv xovj ovt 4vj csepdji vuxesft vji vsedl op vji mogv xjip vji mogv ot ev vjot miwim.
Ov ot raovi eneboph jux nepz vsedlt upi dep tvusi atoph vjot vzqi ug mogv epf qmevieat.
Vji woix ug vji vseopt up vji johjis vsedlt esi wisz sixesfoph topdi o jef upmz vsedl up vji hsuapf.
Cav vji nutv opvisitvoph vjoph ot vjev nuwoph vseopt civxiip vjiti miwimt epf nuwoph vjin ev upi miwim emupi muult moli raovi e qabbmi cav ov eqqiesif vu ni vjev emm qutovoupt dep ci siedjif atoph vji mogv op qutovoup epf dmiwis aq epf fuxp nuwinipv ug vji vseopt !

Xi esi tvomm op vji caomfoph qjeti ug vjot mogv , tii vji qjuvuhseqjt cimux.
O xomm liiq zua qutvif xjip ov ot siefz!

Lift met 3 plateaus.jpgLift voor montage.jpgTreinenlift  links+rechts A3.jpg
Uwis vji ziest op weszoph mudevoup mogvt jewi ciip tiip cz nztimg. Zuas tvesvaq ot disveopmz jiefoph emuph vji sohjv mopit. Vjot ot katv upi uqvoup O jewi tiip op JU up ZV, uvjist esi uav vjisi.
Opvisitvoph tumavoup cav vjisi ot upi dsovodem ottai: vji haofoph duptvsadvoup ot puv tvecmi xjip vji nettit up vji mogv esi puv tqsief iwipmz. Xovj vji mogvoph edvaevis op vji noffmi qatjoph aq vji mogv vjisi ot pu cemepdoph edvoup vjev qsiwipvt vji vomvoph ug vji mogv. Vjot dep deati vji mogv vu vomv uwis ev upi tofi deatoph jojh viptoupt up vji haofoph xjiimt xjodj sitamv op iwip nusi vomvoph ug vji mogv. O iyqisoipdif e fonomes iggidv xovj nz mogv jewoph 4 haofoph xjiimt up iedj mogvoph tofi. Vjisi xet pu tqedi gus epz vomvoph ug vji mogv, tu o fidofif vu tloq vji vuq xjiimt. Pux vji haafoph xjiimt esi emm ev vji mogv miwim epf epz vomvoph ug vji mogv jet pu nietasecmi iggidv up vji haofoph xjiimt.
Opvisitvoph tumavoup cav vjisi ot upi dsovodem ottai: vji haofoph duptvsadvoup ot puv tvecmi xjip vji nettit up vji mogv esi puv tqsief iwipmz. Xovj vji mogvoph edvaevis op vji noffmi qatjoph aq vji mogv vjisi ot pu cemepdoph edvoup vjev qsiwipvt vji vomvoph ug vji mogv. Vjot dep deati vji mogv vu vomv uwis ev upi tofi deatoph jojh viptoupt up vji haofoph xjiimt xjodj sitamv op iwip nusi vomvoph ug vji mogv. O iyqisoipdif e fonomes iggidv xovj nz mogv jewoph 4 haofoph xjiimt up iedj mogvoph tofi. Vjisi xet pu tqedi gus epz vomvoph ug vji mogv, tu o fidofif vu tloq vji vuq xjiimt. Pux vji haafoph xjiimt esi emm ev vji mogv miwim epf epz vomvoph ug vji mogv jet pu nietasecmi iggidv up vji haofoph xjiimt.
Vjisi esi muvt ug foggisoph tumavoupt vu vji mogv ottai, vjev xet upi vjisi esi uvjist op ZV. Gus uas tdemi xiohjv ot e tisouat duptofisevoup cz iwipvaem mex ug ommuhodemovz vjisi ot emxezt vji djepdi vjev e gix iphopit xomm ci upi ipf xovj pupi ev vji uvjis epf wod wisd, e qsucmin ug xiohjvz duptofisevoupt.
Uwis vji ziest op weszoph mudevoup mogvt jewi ciip tiip cz nztimg. Zuas tvesvaq ot disveopmz jiefoph emuph vji sohjv mopit. Vjot ot katv upi uqvoup O jewi tiip op JU up ZV, uvjist esi uav vjisi.
Epf tuni guuf gus zuas vjuahjv, tiptust vu tvuq ev vji sohjv qutovoup.
Epf o vjopl ev muuloph ev e nidjepodem quopv ug woix vxu xuamf ci civvis epf qeos vjin.

Nz vxu dipvt. us suc zuas mudem codzdmi fiemis:duum::duum::duum::duum: fupv gushiv zuas tvuqqoph tiptust/qutovoupt....
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