Colmans Mustard Factory, Norwich - scratch building model...Progress

A bit more progress - started weathering in earnest. SWMBO doesn`t understand why it looks so dowdy and dirty. For a loading/unloading facility visited by several locos a day, I think we know why! Have deployed the chutes, added some ladders - lots more "stuff" to do, but quite pleased with progress!

With the hoist "horns" and the chute "udders", I knew this would a right cow of a building to do... :D :D  1-P1010003.JPG  I reckon all up it has cost me AU$30
Oh - true "back-story" - one hoist beam is shorter than the other. The original contracts - 1880-ish - would have specified equal lengths; story has it the contractor saved (his) money by making the lower one shorter, relying on the weight of the upper one to keep it in place....or an urban myth?
Latest pic - more detail, including lettering "Colmans Mill" and downpipes to be added. 1-P2100005-001.JPG

Next project will be another iconic Norwich building - Caleys - Rowntrees - Mackintosh (depending on era) factory in Chappelfield. And NO, you can`t have "my last rolo..." 2-rowntree 3.JPG

I used to feel ill going past this place as a kid - the scorching chocolate smell pervaded the City.

I did like Caramac - (hint - lets have some memories of chocolate  when you were a kid....)  :D :D
Hey, this is turning out really well.
I'm afraid the hoist beams are probably an urban myth. I think the different lengths are probably to allow two parallel rows of vehicles to be unloaded.

So that's where Caramac came from ! It makes sense as a few sweet companies had factories close to the Sugar Beet refining industry. I was told that Caramac was an attempt at producing a 'chocolate' bar without any chocolate, to avoid purchase tax, and get round a scarcity of cocoa. Certainly up until the nineties it wasn't subject to VAT.
Personally, I loved the stuff as a kid, and still do.
Feeling icky already, remembering being about 5 years old, polishing off a whole bag of Munchies mis-shapes from there and paying the price... :P
I don't remember "munchies, but when I was 15ish, the school arranged a visit, where we saw slabs of caramac being squared up by a machine. The cut-offs were free, to pig out on. I remember asking one of the packer ladies did they eat this stuff? - the answer was along the lines of "Never - sick of the sight of it"

There were a lot of freebies that day! Felt sick when I got home. Same when we went to Colmans...

We had a marvelous teacher, Mr Fitch, (City of Norwich School) who organised weekly visits to local businesses. Norwich Union, Harmers. HMSO... and so on (Norfickers will remember those names)

[Hmmm - Jarrolds Printing Works near the Courts would make a nice the queue you bludger...]

Fond memories of buildings and industries long gone - along with my last Rolo :D

These trips sparked my interest in industry, economics, and architecture
An excellent level of 'industrial neglect' modelled there.. Still amazed at the difference the 'skin' makes to a pile of recycled materials, and inspiration.
:D :D :D
Chris don't forget to add the 5 to and 1 o'clock hooter from Caleys if you model it :)
Nice weathering there boy.

On my Laurence & Scott model, I put on the 1200 and 1300 hooters! Could be heard all over the City - you didn't need a watch!

I've decided on the Caleys model to add a "different" solar component, in addition to usual lights...

One of those room-smell-burst-dispenser thingies..... the smell being chocolate! :D
Sketch attached of the next - Caleys` building. Will start another thread once I get stuck into it.

Went to Bunnings to get a sheet of suntuf pvc foam. Computers playing up. After 20 minutes, they agreed they sold it, but store locator system "down" so couldn`t point me towards it. Useless - gave up in disgust  >:(

caleys drawing jpg.jpg
Waaarlll thas nearly done (revartin to my Norfick accent)  Jist the dreanpipes to go on. Next job is Caleys Factry, though mawther wants Artichoke Pub. (Norridge). BBC gal wants Ballys shu factry.

Tha BBC websoight bout my bildins and tha realwa will be put up next weeken. Will post a link...

Shoot - I`m an Ozzie now - can`t tork norfick - no worries!  1-P2160003.JPG1-P2160003.JPG
I thought this picture might encapsulate the kind of scenery I`m trying - probably not very well... to recreate...good Norwich history...colmans original image.jpg
There are some nice buildings in that pic :D ;D
I add this just in case someone, i.e. the subject, is too modest to do so.
Well - you got to the link before I did.... ugly old bugger in them pictures....I just hope it will encourage others - threads passim - to take an interest - or, perhaps, put them off! Hope not. Notice - BBC didn't put in train in sight >:( >:( >:(
Well that looked Jewson Good to me - shame about the trains - but a nice article all the same!
KandNWLR said:
I add this just in case someone, i.e. the subject, is too modest to do so.
Well done, Chris. The Beeb no less!!

Well, "local" Beeb does like to put on a few "feel good" stories. I agreed to it, because I thought it might help promote our hobby a tad....I'm hoping the ABC (Oz=BBC) will pick up on it and get in touch. I don't think there is a huge uptake of the hobby, here in WA - if there is, then it is well hidden!

There has been a lot of healthy debate on this forum about how to promote "grailing". I think if we can all do just a little bit, that's good.

It surprizes me that the manufacturers don't do more....but...ho-hum
Nice one Chris.
I recon there must be quite a large 'closet followers' of G scale - just watch ebay for a short while. People we have no idea exist are moving stock constantly.
I know of two fairly local to me who have no interest in clubs or forums.
As for manufacturers - I suppose it comes down to budgets. they do seem to advertise to the converted (i.e. magazines) but I agree - not much to the outside world. Not even for that blue tank engine!
Shame about the trains in the link Chris,but on the other hand they did mention that the builds were for a garden railway so at least the hobby got a mention! ;) ;)