Breeze blocks are/were a form of concrete made from breeze. Breeze, more correctly, is the name for small coke used in blacksmith's hearths. Breeze Blocks are for indoor use only as they are very friable.
Concrete blocks - about the only building medium available here in the West of Ireland - are made from crushed aggregates (generally) and contain less fines (sand) than you would use in general concrete.
They have a long life - inside or out, above or below ground, rendered or unrendered. They can be specified for general load bearing (but not wall pads), foundations, fair faced (paint grade), etc.
Thermalite blocks have not got the same strength as concrete blocks. They are really more suited for indoor use and certainly not below ground level. But I stand (or sit) to be corrected!
As the blocks can be cut using basic
joiner's tools it stands to reason that they haven't got a high tensile strength. Equally, if wet they could suffer frost damage in my opinion - but that is only my opinion!
I used some old concrete blocks for my line - they make an excellent foundation. Used like a miniature Stonehenge, they are good for raised trackbeds too!