Concrete Blocks (breezeblocks)


UK Railway Signaller and Garden Railway Operator
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As you may know, I have started extending my garden railway. The next bit needs to be laid on a solid base, and I was thinking that concrete blocks could provide a good cheap way of doing so. Has anyone else done this?? I have just heard that frost can be a problem, though looking around, maybe not as this website states so I would just like to hear your experiences please.
The ad states that there is no need to wait for mortar to set (dry). I don't know what type of foundation you can build without mortar. At least a foundation that is supposed to be the basis for a structure.
Breeze blocks are subject to frost damage and I believe must not be used below ground and Thermolite blocks which are actually much lighter, can be.
I've used a lot of both heavy and lightweight styles of block on my line, and one side of the main circuit of track has the track screwed directly into the blocks.
The blocks were laid on a solid base consisting of redundant concrete fence posts that I had "in stock" after changing my garden fences - they just rest on the base by gravity and nothing else, so can be removed for painting/maintenance at any time. Have only experienced fairly minor freeze/thaw weathering on the blocks over the past 9 years. The blocks were painted with external masonry paint, which has hepled protect them.

I found this picture from 2006 showing the start of construction of the section in question.

It helped that the garden path was completely rebuilt at the same time, as it enabled a low wooden fence to be installed to hide the blocks. The fence was removed last year for refurbishment, but it hasn't been put back yet.
And the 'building inspector' just had to have his say! :giggle:
Breeze blocks are/were a form of concrete made from breeze. Breeze, more correctly, is the name for small coke used in blacksmith's hearths. Breeze Blocks are for indoor use only as they are very friable.

Concrete blocks - about the only building medium available here in the West of Ireland - are made from crushed aggregates (generally) and contain less fines (sand) than you would use in general concrete.
They have a long life - inside or out, above or below ground, rendered or unrendered. They can be specified for general load bearing (but not wall pads), foundations, fair faced (paint grade), etc.

Thermalite blocks have not got the same strength as concrete blocks. They are really more suited for indoor use and certainly not below ground level. But I stand (or sit) to be corrected!

As the blocks can be cut using basic joiner's tools it stands to reason that they haven't got a high tensile strength. Equally, if wet they could suffer frost damage in my opinion - but that is only my opinion!

I used some old concrete blocks for my line - they make an excellent foundation. Used like a miniature Stonehenge, they are good for raised trackbeds too!Phase One (4).jpg
I have used concrete blocks in some areas of my back yard as a base for ballast and track. I have also used thermalite as well. They ae ideal for corners or areas prone to any subsidence no matter how small. Another use has been as a low wall against which an earth embankment can be laid.

All the blocks I ised came free from a fallen wall at a disused holiday centre nearby. In fact most of my track bed base has been built from some form of reclamation material. ;)
Blocks are available in various types.

Concrete - light, medium and heavy duty. the light ones will suffer badly from frost. the hard ones are like granite.
Celcon/Thermalite - light weight building blocks, usually used indoors for internal walls. Actually fairly frost resistant, even outside.

Celcons - on the right side. In use now for six years with no degradation.


I understand that Celcons are known as Heble in the more southern countries.
Mmmm Thermalite did make a footing block - 305 mm wide.

Us hairy a***d builders raised an eyebrow when the architect specified them, but the last time I drove through Lindford (Hampshire) the houses, bungalows and flats were still standing, some 40 years later :rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock:
Thanks very much for the replies and ideas so far, so it looks like their use is possible, but the harder/denser the better? Given Wickes is just down the road, I wonder if they have suitable blocks....
For the actual ballasting, a friend of mine recommended chips....... but I cannot see how that is going to work....


Something like this would be fine

However they will be cheaper at your local builder merchants approx £1.10 a block

And ask for concrete blocks, breeze blocks aren't really made any more but everyone refers to concrete blocks by that name

Wow - they're expensive at Wickes! Here they are the equivalent of around £0.65 (including vatman and robbing) if you buy a pack (40).
Wow - they're expensive at Wickes! Here they are the equivalent of around £0.65 (including vatman and robbing) if you buy a pack (40).

That sounds like a concrete solution that should cement plenty of friendships.

I hope you've no mortar say on the subject!
Gentlemen! Please lay this one to rest..
We can draw a (string) line under it then..
Well at least Duncan has a good foundation for his knowledge base!
I've been using Celcon bricks ever since I started construction of the EG&SNNR over 10 years ago - all apart from one small section of track where a neighbour gave me some breeze blocks.

The Celcon bricks are still going strong after 10 years but the breeze blocks got frost bite and had to be replaced this year when life was being restored to the EG&SNNR:


Breaking up the breeze blocks was a real pita but once it was done the breeze blocks were replaced by celcon blocks:


As far as I'm concerned there are many benefits of using celcon blocks:

- they are light and easy to lift
- they can be cut to shape using an ordinary saw
- track can be nailed down using annular nails
- if the blocks need to be removed they are very easy to break up
Celcon make trenchblocks (305mm wide as mentioned above) which are meant to be used in footings - as are the 100 and 140mm wide versions where appropriate. I have used them on the LGB in various locations. Easy to screw into directly.