Digital Allegra

I have been told of this issues before, although I'm no expert in the Massoth system.

I think it is to do with both the new MFX decoders and the Massoth system trying to be too clever for their own good.

Massoth has some fancy programming mode for the long address where it automatically tries to set the long address CVs AND the bit in CV 29. While the decoder wont let the long address CVs be programmed UNLESS the bit in CV29 is also set. It is an ordering problem, or something like that anyway. I have been told that if standard one at a time CV programming is used then the problem can be avoided.
Thanks Cliff. As a software developer I can understand that sort of issue (sounds like someone's been a bit too eager to validate that combination in the decoder firmware). Must be very frustrating for those owning both systems.
Mike has NOT been trying to revise the Number. We just needed to know what it was so that the Allegra could be driven from the Massoth Kit he has. On reading as I said before, the number came out as 35. That will work fine for Mike, but no action when using that number. I am wondering if a previous mupet to Mike has revised the number the wrong way. Mike bought it as new from Germany, but by the looks of things comming with other than 3 as the default number, it looks like someone has been playing. Not Mike or me, we only Read the CV 1 on the Prog Track.
Cliff mentioned CV29 &CV17/18 several posts back on page 1; have you read CV29 and verified whether the loco is set to a short or long address, and read CV17 & 18 to determine what long address it might be set to if it were on a long address? Just because you can read CV1 = 35 that doesn't necessarily mean the loco is on a short address.

I haven't looked at the Marklin address calculator link mentioned previously, but I find this page useful as you can calculate CV29 & CV17/18 values to set a long address, OR do the reverse and work out what the current CV values you've read from the decoder actually represent.
Original postee (Mike?) has not come back to this for a while.. Wonder if he is sorted??

Ha says using 'Massoth' CS..? Wonder what output current is set, and what the CS reports is being used ?
If not responding to '35', could it be a MTS CS with a Navigator? - Limit to address of 22 ?
PhilP said:
Original postee (Mike?) has not come back to this for a while.. Wonder if he is sorted??

Ha says using 'Massoth' CS..? Wonder what output current is set, and what the CS reports is being used ?
If not responding to '35', could it be a MTS CS with a Navigator? - Limit to address of 22 ?

Mike is still not sorted. As I said I was there this week trying to help. My knowledge of New LGB Chips is a bit thin so was reluctant to do too much. The fact that we got a reading from Centre and 1 car and not Centre with the other car confused the hell out of me.

When we say Massoth CS we mean Central Station. Not sure what Model, perhaps Mike can report.

The output would be that set by the Ruschbahn. So would be pretty high as we used it to run a big layout. As I am in St.Neots n Mike in Swindon, not able to check these things personally till my next visit. But all these notes will be looked at, particularly those relating to Address.

BUT IS IT RIGHT THAT WE ONLY GET A READING OF THE CV1 number from 2/3 of the set?
Cliff George said:
When you have the combination of cars connected that you can read from on the programming track, can you run that same combination of cars on the main under DCC?
You should be able to.. BUT must change the programming lead for a 'real' one..
Cliff George said:
When you have the combination of cars connected that you can read from on the programming track, can you run that same combination of cars on the main under DCC?

We never tried to run it with other than 3 cars and yes with the correct conections.