Ebay Figures.

I acquired some of those figures - which are produced in China - a few years back and have actually just ordered another 40 of them in the past week, as I have now used all the others.

They are OK, if a bit on the "thin" side, and I've tended to use mine inside rolling stock, rather than standing on platforms and the like. I've repainted all the ones I had, as the paintwork can be a bit suspect, but you can't really complain at that price.

My 40 came to just over £9, including postage, so you need to have a dig around the multiple sellers to get the best price.
I think the painted figures are good value, but the colours can be a bit brash and glossy, so I've bought seated unpainted figures which, once painted in more muted colours, and face details enhanced, look really good inside coaches.
I have modified some of the poses, easy to do when unpainted.....Mr Hacksaw and Dr Filler

Once mixed up with LGB and the odd Prieser figures, they look the part

I bought a load of unpainted ones about 4 years ago . . . . . they still await the tender mercies of a paintbrush, which is why I thought these might be a better 'go'. The over glossy bit could be sorted with a matt lacquer. I want them mostly as 'riding' passengers.
In the last couple of days I've received two lots of these:


As they were post-free I ordered them in two separate transactions to avoid any risk of Post Office "ransom fees", by keeping the value of each parcel under fifteen quid or so.
They may be a little more expensive than the ones in the first post on a figure-by-figure basis, BUT they are all seated (which is what I wanted - reasonably-priced all seated figs for carriage passengers) and I have to say that the standard of the machine-done paintwork is really not that bad - not Preiser standard but more detailed than the Pola "economy" versions of the Prieser figures, and inside coaches they will be just fine.
All the paintwork is either matt or semi-matt finish, no nasty garish gloss paint, and they even have reasonably done eye and eyebrow detail (which you don't get with the Pola ones!).

Planning to order another batch or two soon, if you look at the seller's various listings you can find several slightly different mixes of poses and colours for variety.

It's worth paying the extra for machine painted which are quite reasonable. The standard ones seem to be painted with a 2" brush with gloss paint.
It's good that they sell all sitting as they are an economic way of filling coaches.
I agree with Jon's comments on his figures, great for riding folk.I have used them on platforms etc as well but they do eventually fade in the garden. No probs though I just repainted with matt enamel paints and they are good as new.
i too bought some
they are smaller -1:24
the size difference, imho, is neglible and they can be used right next to 1 :22 figures and it look like simply the difference in normal human heights

the detail is less than crisp-in fact, pretty poor.
they are poor copies, imho, of preisers

I agree buy them painted, as I bought mine unpainted and,
while I like to paint, and often it can do wonders,

simply, they are suitable imho for background, inside coaches and buildings etc where detail cannot be closely scrutinized. As such, I think it worth your time to have them painted and then touch up or detail as you like. I found painting the 25 or more I bought, even crudely, was quite time consuming.

in my batch, there are many multiple of a single figure. this gets old and easily recognizable unless , imho, used as faces for a window in a coach or café, etc.
In the last couple of days I've received two lots of these:


As they were post-free I ordered them in two separate transactions to avoid any risk of Post Office "ransom fees", by keeping the value of each parcel under fifteen quid or so.
They may be a little more expensive than the ones in the first post on a figure-by-figure basis, BUT they are all seated (which is what I wanted - reasonably-priced all seated figs for carriage passengers) and I have to say that the standard of the machine-done paintwork is really not that bad - not Preiser standard but more detailed than the Pola "economy" versions of the Prieser figures, and inside coaches they will be just fine.
All the paintwork is either matt or semi-matt finish, no nasty garish gloss paint, and they even have reasonably done eye and eyebrow detail (which you don't get with the Pola ones!).

Planning to order another batch or two soon, if you look at the seller's various listings you can find several slightly different mixes of poses and colours for variety.

I agree with Jon, whilst these these people look stunned they are perfect as passengers and as people in buildings. For figures on show it is worth the money to get Preiser 1:22.5 figures.
Incidentally I bought a pack of Preiser 1:24 firemen to go with a firetender. I filed off the flash then asembled and painted the wee guys whilst standing at the bar of our café on Sunday lunchtimes. Folks were astounded as I am famous for my short temper, and were even more astounded when one of the local fire brigade pointed out that the colours were perfect.
Hey, it's just a hobby, right? :wondering:
I've purchased a few hundred, at various times, to populate my many coaches. They are not perfect, but they look just fine within the confines of a coach...
I ordered three packs (six figures per pack) of these Chinese figures from Glendale Junction, near Peterborough, yesterday afternoon. The postman delivered them this morning - how's that for great service!! ;)
His prices, as far as I am concerned are good and at least buying from a UK supplier I am helping keep the wolf from his door. :happy:
This little guy is one of the figures that was holding the briefcase.


Here is another one, I made one figure out of two. The arms from the standing figure went on the sitting figure, along with a head from another one.

The figures are actually quite easy to modify. Save the sawdust from cutting them apart and glue everything back together with model cement. Use the sawdust as filler.




Just cut, glue, file, sand and paint. Lots of fun... just don't lose your head!

Thanks for the links, I need that fat guy in the second set of links, and the grandma.
Plastic surgery AND transplants! Like.
The package containing the ones I ordered direct from China turned up today.
I would suggest that anyone ordering them direct does not take the illustration on the e-bay page as "gospel" as there variety of figures was totally different from the illustration, and the two packs of 20 (one of which actually had 21 figures...) each had diffterent figures in them!
Was expecting more seated ones than the 9 I got, but for £9.42 for 41 figures, you can't complain.
Some will have to go under the knife and be converted to sitting configuration when it comes to it.