In the last couple of days I've received two lots of these:
As they were post-free I ordered them in two separate transactions to avoid any risk of Post Office "ransom fees", by keeping the value of each parcel under fifteen quid or so.
They may be a little more expensive than the ones in the first post on a figure-by-figure basis, BUT they are all seated (which is what I wanted - reasonably-priced all seated figs for carriage passengers) and I have to say that the standard of the machine-done paintwork is really not that bad - not Preiser standard but more detailed than the Pola "economy" versions of the Prieser figures, and inside coaches they will be just fine.
All the paintwork is either matt or semi-matt finish, no nasty garish gloss paint, and they even have reasonably done eye and eyebrow detail (which you don't get with the Pola ones!).
Planning to order another batch or two soon, if you look at the seller's various listings you can find several slightly different mixes of poses and colours for variety.