The infrastructure improvement program has been making some progress, despite a few set backs. A big milestone recently was re laying the entire section between tunnel 3 and Grasslands Loop with code 250 rail. The old code 332 rail will be cascaded to other areas that specifically require that size of rail.
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This section is actually pretty good track by local standards now, good for the maximum allowed speed anywhere on the line of 80km/h.
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In sharp contrast is the section between tunnel 1 and Falls loop, now the only part of the line remaining unchanged since original construction. The tramway was a very different operation in those days, with only small four wheel trams like the Birney here. There's a vague long term plan to eventually make improvements to this section, but for now it remains as is with a 10km/h speed restriction.
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34M and set arrives back at the depot on a warm summer evening.
We also have some recent video:
The first train of the year was a works train with the mower wagon to clear the line.
Come for a ride in the van up the hill to the depot.
And on the return trip to West Grasslands.