Having continued with taming the hoards who wish to board the 'Blue Train', a couple of things have become apparent that may be of interest to associated parties wishing to use the same figures. If any figures are looking to one side, then they are looking LEFT, so something needs to be happening on the left-hand side of our trains! To a man (or woman) they are all without any facial hair (here, think about from whence they came!). Hair is only one colour - black. Ties in that country must also be all one colour, that of the 'ruling party' I venture to suggest! To that end I have been busy (very) with a small (very) paint brush, and some tubes of acrylic paint for what seems like hours.
I removed the hats from 18 Mr L. Fedora, and gained an equal number (obviously) of Mr F. Challenged. These were then given hair of varying colours and amounts, though I didn't leave any full 'boneheads'. Whilst in the mood I added a couple of Mousers and a Beard or two. I then attacked the ties, with Black/Blue/Purple/Green. The Mr Overalls, I changed their cap colours mostly to brown, there were only four. It was then the Ladies turn, and many of them had incomplete hair so that was corrected with a different colour.
When sticking in the ex-Mr Fedoras in I noticed that he had a tendency to lean forward in his seat. I had already removed the rear portion of his legs to get him back in the seat so I now did a few disastims. Those are as apposed to disasters, that is what happened to the air-hostess that backed into a propeller of her plane (the old ones are the best). That now enabled him to be sat in a more natural position, and doesn't notice because of the booster seats. I had little difficulty in getting two figures to a seat where I wanted, and no coach has, ATM, as many as 20 passengers, and all look fairly well filled.
I take my hat off Sorry can't say that! I've taken 18 hats off, to the manufacturers, it is easy for us to be picky about their efforts but these things must be made in thousands, nay tens of thousands, yes they are machine painted and sure there are bits that are just not right, but it sure as hell beats painting the little bu66ers from scratch! A better mix of figures would be appreciated to save the repetition, but again, I'll bet they are bagged by a machine as well.
I've been too busy to take photos, but I'm sure you all get the picture!