Enlightened population, seated?

Sad tale and warning -
I ordered the 20 piece set of blank face folks (left side in the photo below) to fill some seats on my Kalamazoo passenger car upgrade project using Hartland seats (below). The little folk were certainly cheap but, of the 20, I received 8 of 'Mr Friendly' with his left arm extended. I tried surgery with some success (upper left). I complained to the seller and he refunded half my money and apologized. More importantly, he has changed his eBay listing and 'Mr Friendly' has been excluded. No telling what comes in the group now, hopefully a more even mix. The rest of them do fit the Hartland seats reasonably well.

The wide-eyed 12 pc set (right) is better but larger so some carry on luggage will have to be moved to the overhead bins (or baggage car). Ya gets what ya pays for......

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I received a lot of the "Mr Friendly" figures too. A heat gun applied to his shoulder softened it up enough to where I could move his arm down to his lap. He looks fine inside a coach, I wouldn't use any of them in a more visible location.
I received a lot of the "Mr Friendly" figures too. A heat gun applied to his shoulder softened it up enough to where I could move his arm down to his lap. He looks fine inside a coach, I wouldn't use any of them in a more visible location.

Great idea, the shoulder surgery was messy. I don't have a heat gun but I will snag my attractive young bride's hair dryer next time she's off to the 'Gamblin' Grannies' Gathering and see if that works. Thanks!
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More people from 'The far away land' (China) have arrived, and the suppliers seem to have boobed. First they are exactly as I suspected, the very same size as the 1:25 ones that arrived last week, and as all the best boobs come in pairs :eek::tmi:, they sent two packs instead of just one! ;)

I have no problem with them apart from them being a mite under 'gauge', they will all be inside so not well seen. There are 22 seats per full coach and about 12 in the Combi, I have four packs of 20 so I will I think have a few left over. Those might just be the Mr Friendly ones as there are a few but not that many and I don't have a heat gun for surgery.

All I await from 'Far away land' now is the battery boxes, then the population can be 'enlightened'. Oh yes and around 80 pairs of feet to remove! o_Oo_O
Battery boxes arrived this morning, so the first of the Led conversions (baggage car) has been completed to test stage. I then spent a while with the band-saw chopping various limbs and feet off. Mr friendly stays, I've even used one 'as is' in one coach, cuddling his lady friend. I thought that as they are under-gauge I would give them all 'booster seats' so they can see out better. Slips of wood about 5mm thick, they should still pass the ten-foot smile test. Technically 44 seat coaches, they look well populated with 16 -20 folk in.

As others have noted there are a lot of all the same poses, however there also seems to be quite a wide variation of colour schemes/dress codes, so they don't really notice.

Glued in with a touch of silicon. Should be set in the morning.
I am blessed with rather a large number of Mr L. Fedora (21off), wearing different garb, but still that enormous hat.

People (10) (600 x 450).jpg

A few moments application to the disc sander and a file, and I have,

People (8a) (600 x 423).jpg

Mr Sans Fedora! He can remain folically challenged, or have a hairline added in any shade! :giggle:

15 folks in a coach doesn't look too bad! The booster seats don't show when the body is put over, and heads and shoulders show through the windows.

People (5) (600 x 450).jpg
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Love the idea of a 'booster seat' being an option, on the Nitwork Rail booking site! :):giggle:
..And being able to move the stroppy-cow, who is sitting in your reserved seat, is an even bigger problem these days. :rolleyes::shake::shake:
Having continued with taming the hoards who wish to board the 'Blue Train', a couple of things have become apparent that may be of interest to associated parties wishing to use the same figures. If any figures are looking to one side, then they are looking LEFT, so something needs to be happening on the left-hand side of our trains! To a man (or woman) they are all without any facial hair (here, think about from whence they came!). Hair is only one colour - black. Ties in that country must also be all one colour, that of the 'ruling party' I venture to suggest! To that end I have been busy (very) with a small (very) paint brush, and some tubes of acrylic paint for what seems like hours.

I removed the hats from 18 Mr L. Fedora, and gained an equal number (obviously) of Mr F. Challenged. These were then given hair of varying colours and amounts, though I didn't leave any full 'boneheads'. Whilst in the mood I added a couple of Mousers and a Beard or two. I then attacked the ties, with Black/Blue/Purple/Green. The Mr Overalls, I changed their cap colours mostly to brown, there were only four. It was then the Ladies turn, and many of them had incomplete hair so that was corrected with a different colour.

When sticking in the ex-Mr Fedoras in I noticed that he had a tendency to lean forward in his seat. I had already removed the rear portion of his legs to get him back in the seat so I now did a few disastims. Those are as apposed to disasters, that is what happened to the air-hostess that backed into a propeller of her plane (the old ones are the best). That now enabled him to be sat in a more natural position, and doesn't notice because of the booster seats. I had little difficulty in getting two figures to a seat where I wanted, and no coach has, ATM, as many as 20 passengers, and all look fairly well filled.

I take my hat off Sorry can't say that! I've taken 18 hats off, to the manufacturers, it is easy for us to be picky about their efforts but these things must be made in thousands, nay tens of thousands, yes they are machine painted and sure there are bits that are just not right, but it sure as hell beats painting the little bu66ers from scratch! A better mix of figures would be appreciated to save the repetition, but again, I'll bet they are bagged by a machine as well.

I've been too busy to take photos, but I'm sure you all get the picture!
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No, not if you haven't taken it! ;):p:giggle::giggle:

I can imagine where you are coming from, though.. But I have visited chez-G-force1! :giggle::giggle:

Phil, you got the 'thousand words', that's the same thing!

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This is the AFTER shot!
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