Figures and diecast scale?

Quincy Collins

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Hi, As a very new G Scale member, two questions. First, are there any free G Scale figure plans as I have just become a 3-D printer owner...and barely Competent operator;)
Second, I have build a small layout in our 8' by8' gazebo with track on the inside and inside. There is not much room for anything but track. So, I am wondering for a 1:22.5 scale LGB steam engine could one get away 1:32 prewar II vehicles? I had wanted to make it attractive for children but Tintin and Playmobil figures etc. must being bought and sold on world gold markets given the asking price. 1:24 scale cars would take too much room. Any thoughts out there? Quincy Collins, Nova Scotia, Canada
What type of printer do you have?

Have a look at these they could form a basis for more figures by either scaling them in your slicer (I use Cura) or import them into Tinkercad and have a play with modifying them.
3D Printable casual people 1:50 by Daniel Marcelo Campero Apahaza This one has a picture of a bad print but mat be worth a fiddle with using a better standard print.

A trawl through this site should fill in your day a bit, it has heaps of stl's that are railway related albeit mixed in with other stuff.
i was/am in the same situation. (i had over 2000 civil war soldiers/swoppets in 1:32 and LGB trains in 1:22.5)

seven or eight years ago i bought a 3D printer with scanner.
it turned out, that 3D figures in 1:32 were just too small to be printed nice. ( printers have evolved since then. specially resin printers are better)

you will find many free .stl files to print on or on thingiverse.


the one in the green skirt is 1:32


here: Grossbahn - track - largescale - IIm Modellbahn Anlage - scroll down a bit.

if you really want to go the way of 1:32 figures, widen your search to plastic figures/soldiers.

these are (modified) swoppets:


these are swoppets, 54mm/1:32 plastic soldiers and one relative from Pocahontas by Kinder:


soldiers you would find here:

for the price of these plastic soldiers i am not afraid to cut them up and "Frankenstein" them back together.
there are much more figures in 1:32 but many of them cost much more as well.

or look for "Kinder- eggs.
in my link above, most in the first two pics are from Kinder

in the shops linked i'm a satisfied customer.

or you could look over the fence, to the Tabletop war gamers.
they make or copy their own figures or individualize bought ones, using epoxy.

google-or youtube - search for "green stuff" and "white stuff"


cars in 1:24 ?
when i designed our firehouse in 1:32, i used 1:24 trucks.
