Quincy Collins

Hi, As a very new G Scale member, two questions. First, are there any free G Scale figure plans as I have just become a 3-D printer owner...and barely Competent operator
Second, I have build a small layout in our 8' by8' gazebo with track on the inside and inside. There is not much room for anything but track. So, I am wondering for a 1:22.5 scale LGB steam engine could one get away 1:32 prewar II vehicles? I had wanted to make it attractive for children but Tintin and Playmobil figures etc. must being bought and sold on world gold markets given the asking price. 1:24 scale cars would take too much room. Any thoughts out there? Quincy Collins, Nova Scotia, Canada

Second, I have build a small layout in our 8' by8' gazebo with track on the inside and inside. There is not much room for anything but track. So, I am wondering for a 1:22.5 scale LGB steam engine could one get away 1:32 prewar II vehicles? I had wanted to make it attractive for children but Tintin and Playmobil figures etc. must being bought and sold on world gold markets given the asking price. 1:24 scale cars would take too much room. Any thoughts out there? Quincy Collins, Nova Scotia, Canada