Yes, this loco was at Malang in Java in September 1983. It's Hohenzollern 4074/20, built for the "Malang Stoomtram Mij" and it seems to have spent its whole life there. It never moved during our visit. Indonesia was a good place to see a variety of fuel types . The small PJKA locomotives like this one usually burned wood. On Java the larger locos like the D52 2-8-2s and the CC50 Mallets were heavy oil burners, whilst on the South Sumatra system the locomotives burned coal. (As I believe they did in West Sumatra, which I didn't visit). In the many sugar mills the steam locomotives usually burned bagasse, the waste product fron sugar cane. They would often start the season burning oil, until enough bagasse had been produced. This economical system was one reason why the mills kept steam traction so late.