Rhos Helyg Loco Works
While there have been instances of the regulator being stuck open, that is not usually the cause of violent slipping as demonstrated by Blue Peter.
The usual cause of a "stuck open" regulator is water passing through the regulator valve at high pressure and so preventing the valve from shutting. However, the slipping (and damage) only really starts once that water has actually passed through the regulator. The water arrives in the superheaters where it turns instantly to high-pressure steam and then passes uncontrolled to the cylinders, so causing the wheel slip. For this reason closing the regulator after the water has been picked up has little or no effect.
The usual cause of a "stuck open" regulator is water passing through the regulator valve at high pressure and so preventing the valve from shutting. However, the slipping (and damage) only really starts once that water has actually passed through the regulator. The water arrives in the superheaters where it turns instantly to high-pressure steam and then passes uncontrolled to the cylinders, so causing the wheel slip. For this reason closing the regulator after the water has been picked up has little or no effect.