Getting rid of label sticky mess

hello adverse camber:

I have frequently used the LGB cleaning fluid to remove glue residue for LGB rolling stock and I have yet to notice any adverse effects. No pun intended!!!

mbendebba said:
hello adverse camber:

I have frequently used the LGB cleaning fluid to remove glue residue for LGB rolling stock and I have yet to notice any adverse effects. No pun intended!!!


I had wondered about that when I posted my Lighter Fuel advice. But never having tested or used it that way decided to leave it out. Thanks for that, but the lighter fuel will be cheaper and easier to get hold of.

Now I wonder if LGB Cleaning Fluid is a sort of petroleum based product like lighter fuel. Any experts out there know what its composition is?
hi mate..thought u mite be interestin tht i have with me tht my mate work in hospital giving me these brillant for remove sticky back..etc.........u cant buy them from a shop ..tht why mate gave i think it shud sell them on the net?....
p.s.he did show me how to do work......kool