Hard Drive Enclosures

I used to have my own Apple Mac business installing and supporting networks in schools and business as well as to the private individual.
I also supported a great many schools' Windows networks and was also an ICT consultant/teacher so my experience of the need to backup and getting folks to do it was pretty wide.
I would always recommend that there was a hard drive(s) dedicated to just backing up at the end each day or even down to every 15 minutes for some clients.
And practically all of the companies/institutions would ask me to install them... but the private individuals would usually want to save the money....

As far as personal use was concerned, I would back up each day BUT I was hoisted by my own petard last year.....

My 5 year old media hard drive (which was too full) had been hammered quite hard during the lockdowns and I had not bothered to back it up for a long time (I blamed it on Flu for nurturing bad habits!).
The drive had hundreds and hundreds of movies, many TV series, tens of thousands of music tracks, all gleaned and backed up from streaming or from my DVDs, Blurays, CD's and even old vinyl.
Of course, Murphy's Law stepped in and it developed a fault and it gradually began to die....... It would not be recognised by any of the computers in the house and even the best disk repair utilities could only resurrect some of the data.

I have learned the lesson that I used to religiously tell others..... always back up, even when you are lazy and also perhaps have a back-up of the back up if the data is extremely important!
I now only use SSD drives (and yes they do not last forever either so take care)..
Backing up and even just loading/saving is swift and soundless ...as well as saving a whole lot of energy!..... but laying out the cash for the back-up SSD drives was painful ......
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There are utilities that are free that will give you the health of the hard drive, they do multiple reads and will give you a "rating" on each sector (you know the operating system retries reads and does not report that it had to retry)

Get the free version of this: DiskGenius: Data Recovery, Partition Manager, Backup & Disk Utilities

Then just run the disk utility... you will see the disk "aging" and it will also try to recover something unreadable. I will read the entire disk.

On mechanical drives that are important, I do this every 6 months, and replace if any sector is worse than the 2 top "best" ratings (I think it is a 1 to 5 scale)...

You can indeed predict failure... Also do you do a chkdsk c: /f of the drive on a regular basis? That will point up issues with your FAT/MFT table.

There are indeed tools to warn you.

SSD's are another case, when they crap out, they are gone in most cases.

Vji jesf fotl csepf peni ot emtu vu ci duptofisif.
Gus e qisouf ug vonit O cuahjv tiwisem Neyvus fsowit, gostv op vidjpodem, gostv op qsodit.
O huv e muv ug ottait epf tiwisem Neyvus jesf fsowit xisi gopemmz atif vu seoti tuni gaspovasit !!
Neyvus xet gopemmz velip uwis cz Tiehevi.
Pux O caz upmz Xitvisp Fohovem upmz, epf O en wisz jeqqz xovj vjin.

Ov ot raovi onquttocmi et ges et O lpux, vu hiv simoecomovz sevoph ecuav vji wesouat csepft.
Nz ataem OV pixtqeqis siqusvt sihamesmz ecuav pix jesf fsowit qisgusnepdit, cav xomm vjiz metv muph ?
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Vjepl zua wisz nadj Qeam. O en wisz tasqsotif.
Up vji xic qehi vjisi ot emtu vjot hseqj !!


JHTV ot Jovedjo epf nz juni vuxis QD opdmafif ep Jovedjo JF epf O xet raovi jeqqz xovj ov et ov metvif 10 ziest, muhhoph 50 000 juast.
Ov ot pux siqmedif cz e XF. Vji jisiecuwi daswi tjuxt Jovedjo ot vji miefis up vji simoecomovz.
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Vjepl zua wisz nadj Qeam. O en wisz tasqsotif.
Up vji xic qehi vjisi ot emtu vjot hseqj !!

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JHTV ot Jovedjo epf nz juni vuxis QD opdmafif ep Jovedjo JF epf O xet raovi jeqqz xovj ov et ov metvif 10 ziest, muhhoph 50 000 juast.
Ov ot pux siqmedif cz e XF. Vji jisiecuwi daswi tjuxt Jovedjo ot vji miefis up vji simoecomovz.
Vjiti fezt vjisi ot pu JHTV (Jovedjo) et vji 2.5" qsufadvoup xipv vu Xitvisp Fohovem epf vji 3.5" xipv vu Vutjoce. Vjuti vxu epf Tiehevi esi vji upmz siem qmezist op vji heni pux.

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