Harz Type Battery Railcar with some Playmobil abuse to create a New Battery Operated almost like.

So at the moment I am busy Painting the Main Bodywork’s Undercoat of Rattle Can Halfords Matt Grey, this helps show up any of the Fill Blemishes. Of which there were a few so many applications of more filler and Grey. The Front Can Assembly has been causing some pain as it is not feasible to remove the Windows and there are none on the sides that will need some consideration. For the time being Humbrol Maskol has been used to Mask up the Glass on the outside, Inside will probably be left as is and just masked up with Tape. In the past I have applied Maskol with a Brush but this tends to Trash the Brush so this time I have used a Flat Screwdriver Head which has worked well. Pic showing 1 Cab Top with the Pink Maskol whilst the other awaits application. Behind is the Main Body with what I hope will be the last application of Filler.
On reflection it may be advantageous to do the same treatment inside as it may look a bit odd having Maroon Window surrounds there.
Today I have been doing more filling and Grey Spraying. As this is a bit tedious I decided to set up the Operating System. This consists of a setup from Fosworks consisting of:-
Battery 12 x aa
Cobra Speed Controller
My Loco Universal Diesel Sound Card SND-701
Wiring Loom
Motor Wiring
Bass Reflex Speaker
Below you can see how it all hangs together, possibly this Pic may be of use to anyone that has not previously done a Battery Setup before.
sorry the Pic has been trimmed a little but I think you should get the idea. This has been done by the new improved iPad Software that I stupidly downloaded yesterday, when will I ever learn about upgrades..... grrrrrrrr
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I'm loving the progression of this and how much you're showing in the pictures. I wonder how much each of those components costs.
I'm loving the progression of this and how much you're showing in the pictures. I wonder how much each of those components costs.
You can look them up on the Fosworks site,

i generally do not quote Prices on here as they can change over time of course and hopefully this site will be around for people to reference for a lot of years. I have however updated my listing above to show how many Batteries I used, also please note for a first time user a Smart Charger would be required.
Today and Yesterday after settling back in after a long weekend in Norfolk I decided to get the Chassis up and running. Plus some more Spraying having managed to get hold of some more Rattle Cans in the Halfords at Huntingdon on my way home. Think this will be an easier one for me to get to not having to rely on the Bus to Cambridge and an easy stroll from Huntingdon Station. Though my experience yesterday of trying to get to YORK was not a good one with a Death on the line at Grantham which Cancelled lots of Trains both ways just when I was wanting to Travel. I note that there are further problems between Grantham and Newark today. So much for Operator of Last Reaort!

Anyway enough of that and on to the Painting, for my previous Harz Railcars I have used sundry different Whites and so called Cremes that all appeared well too White for my liking. So I made a change in the White/Creme Colour by selecting Rover Arum White. Have to say this is a nice change from the others that I have used so may stick with it if it continues to be available. As for the Red I will be using the old faithful BMW Imola Red 11. This has been my preference for some time now and to my eye looks just right. Top of Bodyside and Roof will be Creme, below the Ridge will be Red. Below some of the initial Blast from the Rattle Can after much Smoothing, Filling and Sanding.
hm not sure why the upload is now doing things Upside Down, must be some new improved Software on the latest Apple Upgrade, they are really loosing the plot at Apple!

Still onwards and upwards! Here can be seen the Top of the Chassis, I have made a Plasticard Holder for the varying Cards that allows them to sit nicely above the Couplings but inside the Front Fairing. All held in place with Pond Liner and Nuts n Boots. The Radio Aerial and Sound Card Infra Red Reciever (SCIRC) will pass through a convinient Gap into the recesses of the Back of the Cab. Important the the SCIRC is visible for any revisions to the Sounds, note that the Speaker is just stuffed into the Gap when the Body is placed on top of the Chassis.
Here is the Underneath of the Chassis showing all the varying Wires. Note that I have put in a Second Row or Ally L, this will be used to screw the varying bits of Underbody Furniture that Railcars have quite a bit of. Only Cosmetic Stuff line Battery Boxes and Engine representations will be fitted. A cursory View of my Source Inspiration pic earlier in this thread will give a flavour of what is to be seen below. I can see no point in shoving much detail below that will never be seen except in the case of a Drastic Derailment.

The wires have been tidied up and are held in place with GPO Type Single Strand Bell Wire (some can be seen in this pic just above), it twists nicely in place to hold things neatly without taking up much space as Plastic Ties would. I Drill 2 small holes and shove a length with each end going through a different hole, a gentle twist with a Flat Pair or Pliers, trim and all is good. The Choc Block that sends Power to the Bogies has been held in place with Nut n Boot.
Finally a short Vid of the beast running at last.

yup I did it again, Portrait rather than Landscape Vid. Forget every time I do one in the Phone!
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Very good. It's longer than I thought it would be from the initial pictures of 2 x Playmobil railcars. Looking forward to seeing it with painted body. Your video shows the chassis disappearing into the distance, I assume it came back... :)
Very good. It's longer than I thought it would be from the initial pictures of 2 x Playmobil railcars. Looking forward to seeing it with painted body. Your video shows the chassis disappearing into the distance, I assume it came back... :)
Well sort of it went up to the House to be brought back inside!
Very nice project! My compliments!

ohhhhh this is the first time I like a sound module!! That is freakin awesome!! That rumptiedum stationary sound!! Ohhh.
Thanks for your comments guys.

Thanks Henri, praise indeed from a craftsman such as yourself. The My Loco Sound Cards have a lot of options in them, particularly for a Diesel Railcar and are well worth playing about with using the TV Remote that they sell to go with them. Though I think that the Horns need some work by the provider. The system that I have used for Battery Power and Sound would probably work well in this.......
Very nice project! My compliments!

ohhhhh this is the first time I like a sound module!! That is freakin awesome!! That rumptiedum stationary sound!! Ohhh.
Yes also impressed by the sound, may have to buy a diesel just to use that sound card ;)
Make sure you get the SND-701 Universal Diesel one, the Light Diesel Sound is not so good IMHO. Same Price.
Yeah, nice sounds - I've got one in big Bertha, and you can hear the turbo whine and all sorts :clap::clap::clap:
Wandering off topic. Could such a sound device be used by track power only?

The MyLocoSound cards can be used on Analogue DC track-power, DCC track-power, and all-forms of battery radio-control. :)
The MyLocoSound cards can be used on Analogue DC track-power, DCC track-power, and all-forms of battery radio-control. :)
I know that the MLS Cards can be used on Track Power, not quite sure how the Bell or Whistle can be activated? Perhaps by Track Mounted Magnet and Reed Switch on the Loco? Perhaps someone who knows more could comment?
I know that the MLS Cards can be used on Track Power, not quite sure how the Bell or Whistle can be activated? Perhaps by Track Mounted Magnet and Reed Switch on the Loco? Perhaps someone who knows more could comment?
Jon, the literature does show how how to activate the bells and whistles using reed switches and magnets, or you can set the MLS to auto mode.