Neither idle nor a marvel

Your thoughts are as welcome as anyone's especially as you have long experience of both track power and battery, but you shouldn't state a large number like £1000+ without some explanation. If it is just for command station and associated paraphernalia then you can spend a lot less than £1000, as this recent thread has shown: Even lower cost wireless DCC system - G Scale CentralI am going to put my thoughts into this, a decent DCC system is likely to cost north if £1000 GB, not forgeting additional costs for wiring and possibly an external supply of mains to a Shed. You could fund Battery Power for 5-7 Locomotives for that kind of dosh depending on what system you use. More than enough locomotives for the beginner.
Of course you are right in that you can pay well over £1000 for top of the range DCC systems, but you don't have to, I know I didn't for mine. I'm sure you meant well but putting large numbers like that on the table will only reinforce the view this is a rich man's hobby and deter new entrants.
The OP should consider all their options for powering locos, analog, DCC, RC, whatever, and choose what is best for him. Greg's web page reference in post #9 is as good a place as any for the OP to start that decision process.