Hello from Chicagoland

Kris Beall

My name is Kris and thank you for accepting me into the forum. I started collecting G scale items about 20 years and finally got around to starting a layout in the backyard about 2 years ago. It's not much but I enjoy adding to it year over year. The picture attached was from a much warmer time (this past summer). In my quest to find a pic, I realized I don't have any good ones that show the whole track plan. I will work on that when the weather gets better. I look forward to learning from you all and sharing my knowledge where I can.

Welcome Kris from Aus. Looks like you have a very nice railway, looking forward to seeing more of it.
Welcome to the Forum, Kris. That's the best way to go about things, start and add to your empire slowly. Just remember that picture popular on here, but the humour can be a tad dodgy!
Welcome, Kris! That looks like a great start: I like the fact that you can sit and watch the trains go by...
Welcome to the forum Kris....
Welcome, Kris!
The picture draws you in.. I want to know where it goes next? :D
