Hello From North London

Thanks for the welcome Paul, Welsh narrow gauge (pre-preservation) is where I started out to get here !:) Dave
Spot on - I love the dilapidation, rails meandering into the undergrowth, and sparse infrastructure.
My line is for the driving if I'm honest, though I have done some modelling, eg coaches from plasticard.
Some major on track, some on scenery and buildings, some on rolling stock, lots a bit of each. All approaches are valid and represented here.
Have fun.
Welcome Dave....I am another of the 'Norf Essex' mob.
As Jon says, there are quite a few weekends with G scale happenings up this way.
I have an open day on May 29th on The Beaver Creek railroad, ( www.facebook.com/beavercreekrailroad )
So if you fancy a trip on the A12 (not many people do) you would be more than welcome.....

Will be at Peterborough, maybe with somethings to put on the members sales stand...... 1pm GSS stand .....Usual recognition equipment?....red carnation, umbrella and a copy of the times under one arm..... or just a silly hat...
Spot on - I love the dilapidation, rails meandering into the undergrowth, and sparse infrastructure.
My line is for the driving if I'm honest, though I have done some modelling, eg coaches from plasticard.
Some major on track, some on scenery and buildings, some on rolling stock, lots a bit of each. All approaches are valid and represented here.
Have fun.

Absolutely Paul ! with a broad church, there is always something of interest, and you can't always tell from the thread title where it will lead. I've only looked at the rolling stock and kitbash (my particular interest..........at the moment !) forums so far and been amazed at the variety and depth of the subjects covered and discussed. Just reading the forums could be a hobby in itself ! I'm getting seriously distracted :oops:
