Help choose the next Roundhouse loco

brianthesnail96 said:
got a 2:1 by the way, dead chuffed

Well done Matt, good on ya!
Ummm...............What's a 2:1 when it's at 'ome? but it must be good coz everybody says well done! So well done mate...............
Hello everyone,

I thought it only right and proper that someone put their hand up for another Australian loco, the famous Puffing Billy Baldwin NA loco. Bear with me here, cause it could work quite well, given the success of the Fowler. The NA could be modified to represent Lyn, with only minor changes, thus serving UK and International alike.

My favourite colour scheme;

Mind you the Harrogate Peckett, that's a fine looking beastie.
Whats the purpose of the scoop under the smokebox door????
Welcome aboard, Andy!

The PBR NA locos are indeed an attractive prototype, and in essence should appeal to 3 markets....but...a good model of 'Lyn' is already available from Accucraft (new batch very soon, I believe) and the PBR 2-6-2's are very similar looking......and didn't Argyll do the NA I wonder how much of a market there is for them.

Still want one please!:bigsmile:
brianthesnail96 said:
There are some on here Tag... somewhere. It's not progressed since yours, except my toolbox has reappeared (via Pete). Had to drag the Marina kicking and screaming through an MOT, than and I'm living in the Co- Op at the moment... got a 2:1 by the way, dead chuffed :D

Now to find a job...

Sorry for the hijack!

Very Well Done Matt from Toni and myself ? now get started on that engine!!!! Hope to see you down west again soon...
It's all very confusing Paul- basically the "grades" for degrees runs 1st, 2:1, 2:2, third. So I got the second highest grade I could, which considering how awful my A level results were, and that I wasn't sure I'd even get into uni, I was extremely happy with.

Hope to be back down there soon Tag, albeit just visiting- Laura goes back in September sometime. Miss it already! And will do some more tinkering with said engine when I get paid...

A suggestion for Roundhouse from another forum is the Bagnall "Gelert" class. A good sized loco, based on a prototype but as it was an "off the shelf" design plenty of potential for customising, private liveries etc.

Pretty, too:


Possibly the best suggestion (in terms of realistically achievable) I've heard yet (and one I take no credit for).
It's a loco I love, but the trouble with Gelert, and with Beddgelert, is the huge rear overhang that may cause problems on all but large radius curves.

I responded to the Roundhouse survey with; 1. Kerr Stuart 0-4-2s from Hampton and Kempton Waterworks railway; 2. Snowdon Ranger in original condition; and 3. GVT Glyn tram loco.

#1 Kerr Stuart is a very pretty loco and I reckon many people would fall in love with it when such a model was seen in the flesh. Maybe many existing Roundhouse components could be used. See the colour painting on the following link:

#2 Snowdon Ranger would seem possible and popular, but would the extra driving axle be a problem with the Roundhouse inside valve gear?

#3 GVT tram loco would also seem to possible and popular and the tram body could hide a simple slip eccentric mechanism. But would the tram body be expensive to make?
Thornhill, eh - there's a name to warm my heart!

The Kerr Stuart is pretty, but seems familiar somehow, but I can't think why just now. (Got it - Keith Bucklitch loco design??)

Snowdon Ranger, well that would be popular I think, yes.

Tram locos though, can't see Roundhouse doing another of those, after Stanley.....and er, was it Finescale?? did a nice one a while ago.

Gelert Matt - Joy valve gear!