What you need are sprung points as mentioned in post 28. These work by the Tram pushing the points over , it also means that the team will go round the circle in the opposite direction each timeWhen you look at the top left side of the picture where the tracks come close to each other, I am considering two options. Option one is to put in a track switcher that when the train comes around the circle, it joins in to the other track and goes through a tunnel on the same track . Option two is to build parallel tracks that go through the tunnel together and go around the room then do another circle like the one you see in the picture.
I am not familiar with the types of switching tracks. Is there a switcher that will automatically switch when the train comes to that point? If you are aware of such , perhaps you could supply a proper name that can be googled and purchased?
Thanks Jon, so, what kind of power should I be using to avoid this short circuit you say would be permanent?Agree with Paul, as far as the track is concerned you just need a Point ("Switch" in US terms) that stays in whichever position it was last run through - as the train/tram enters the loop it will travel round in whichever direction the point is currently set for - as it comes round and exits the loop again, it will push the point over to the other position, where it will stay - the next time the train comes along the track it run round the loop in the opposite direction, then repeat the process each time.... however as mentioned earlier, if you're running DC track power then you'll need some fancy electrics to avoid a permanent short-circuit - Greg mentioned that the Massoth DCC reversing loop module may work in DC mode too, which would solve the problem (at a price), though I've never used one of them like that as I've always run DCC. There are other ways of handling the problem, using track contacts to trigger polarity-switching, but these are often more complicated to wire up - if the Massoth module will do the job then it is a pretty simple set-up with minimal hassle.
Sorry, Jon I believe you answered my question already.Thanks Jon, so, what kind of power should I be using to avoid this short circuit you say would be permanent?