Hi there

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I am sure either of them would have used all of the right words...
But not necessarily in the right order!

Some of our transatlantic friends would struggle with that one - you might have to show the (hilariously funny) whole clip.

The account goes that Andre Previn read the script on his way from the airport to the recording studio and, not only played a blinder, but the orchestra were not party to the script - they just thought they were there to be led by one of the world's greatest conductors - it's fascinating to watch their reactions on screen ;);)
There are many forum over on your side of the pond not just the one you're a member on ...Have you looked @ My Large Scale Central ?
Never heard of it. I'll check it out.
Because I need another forum to join.
I'll probably end up linking to GRF a lot because I don't see the point in writing the whole thing over here when it already exists there.
Never heard of it. I'll check it out.
Because I need another forum to join.
I'll probably end up linking to GRF a lot because I don't see the point in writing the whole thing over here when it already exists there.
Want a good forum in the US try this one really friendly and loads of info.
or there is this one
I joined because GSC is a bigger forum, in 8 hours this has gotten I don't even know how many replies.

Good Day DUDEFACE. Where are you located ?
Southern Wisconsin.

Thanks. I'm way over on the right in S. E. Pennsylvania. There are quite a few of us, that belong to this forum, in the States.
Never heard of it. I'll check it out.
Because I need another forum to join.
I'll probably end up linking to GRF a lot because I don't see the point in writing the whole thing over here when it already exists there.
You only need to write your post once and then copy and paste it onto another forum. More importantly, it doesn't follow that because the same question has been asked over there that the best (or even correct) answer for your needs has been given over there. If you're not going to post on a forum, why do you need to join it?
Or even Dude?
No, that was the main character in the film 'The big Lobowski'
Oh dear, the traditional GSC 'thread drift' is taking hold. Sorry, Dudeface, but you will get used to our zany side. Not that I am one of the main protagonists, oh no, no, no :D
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