
Interesting. I've always counted wheels, so in my head and 0-3-0 brings up an image of 3rd rail!

Okay, if you want to count wheels, try this one..... That's right there are only three.

dig 190717036.JPG

Welcome Botanybay!

Hence to that name I first assumed a Trekkie had signed up to the forum (Botany Bay, S.S. ) ;-)
Now I see that fictious space vessel is named after the place you describe :-D
Hi, Sorry yes I do have a name and a sense of humour! The name's Martin. As for trains and rolling stock I bought a mish-mash of job lots and have ended up with a Pico 0-3-0 , a Stainz and a Bachman engine which I haven't identified (but it's a 0-2-0) there's also two small diesels and a dead live steam . Rolling stock is mainly the cheap Chinese lgb copies , I've wrapped the axles with lead to make them more stable. The layout is progressing but as the winter draws on I'm scratch building models. I have just downloaded a programme called uphotomeasure that allows scaling off photos, really useful!
Buggar! I was convinced your name was Toorali oorali addity!
But welcome to the forum anyway Martin........ Plaza?
Welcome, pictures would be good. You're about to be introduced to the infamous scale discussion and LGB's Elastic Ruler!
Hi Paul, here are 2 pictures of work in progress , the latest is a scratch build of our house in 1:24. Funny thought I had loads of photos, I'll take some more.


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